Saturday, 5 December 2020

Anatomy Of The New Man: Introduction

Here I begin a new series that is aimed at giving a good description of the glorious features of the new man in Christ. The goal is to unveil the real you so that you can embrace this new creation and come into the reality of who you are in Christ. When you don't know who you are it is easier for the devil to cause you to live a false identity — an abase reality.

This thing that we are in Christ is so powerful and glorious. But we cannot become it until our minds are renewed by the knowledge of its reality. Yes, we must see and know this reality. Without knowing this new you, there is no way you can become conscious of it. And if you are not conscious of it how then can you manifest and express this real you?

Hence we would take some time to study this new person that we are in Christ. We would look at this overcomer, this might son of God. We would learn about his endowment and all the things he has been equipped with. I don't know how many post will be in this series, but please follow closely. Utilize this teaching, meditate on them and let it transform you. 

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Oneness With God Entry Stage


Oneness With God

Introduction To The Course

This course is not just about attaining spiritual abilities, rather it main focus is spiritual maturity.

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." (John 15:4). 

One thing I have learned over the years of studying Christ is that spiritual maturity comes from abiding in the land (Christ) and being occupied by it. No one can abide doing nothing, he would get bored and move on to something else. So to keep him abiding in that land you must get him occupied with the land. I want to keep you occupied with the riches of the land so that you will end up spending more time in the land, hence abiding and developing fruit. To abide in Christ we have to be actively engaging him, and when we come to a place where we are so occupied with Christ that he becomes our occupation then we would find ourselves completely settling in him, and that would result to the most rapid spiritual growth.

For many of us living in Lagos, the main reason we are here is because our occupation is here. If we have our occupation somewhere else there is a high tendency that we would move and settle wherever that place is. But we are here in Lagos because we feel that the land is rich, you can easily get something doing and start making a living. When we have a very poor Christ we tend to be bored and then we go get to ccupied with the flesh. We need a very rich Christ, one filled with many riches to explore, things to keep us occupied to the extent that we abide and even settle in him. Yes, we are born again Christians and we are in Christ, yet most of us spend more time in the flesh than in Christ, and the major cause of that is because we have been taught a very poor Christ.

Christ is so rich, there is so much to explore in him. In this course we are going to be exploring a lot of things in Christ. We are not doing it just for the sake of these spiritual things, but for the sake of Christ our lover, and for the sake of abiding. The more you abide in Christ the more fruit of the Spirit you will have; and the more you are occupied with the riches of Christ the more you find yourself abiding. So we are actively exploring these riches not just so we can have spiritual abilities, but so our activities in exploring will cause us to spend more time abiding which would then cause us to develop fruits.

This is what we are going to be treating. It is much and it would take time, for each level as different stages and each stage has its own unique exercise(s). But below is just the list of the levels and what we hope to attain in each level.

—Level 1: Oneness With Gods Heart; Intimacy

Becoming one with God's heart: knowing God as love, becoming acquainted with His heart, communicating with God heart to heart, living from His heart, being able to feel His heart for other people, loving others and interacting with them from Gods heart. 

—Level 2: Oneness With Gods Mind; The Prophetic

Becoming one with the mind of God: becoming one with His knowledge, hearing God's voice, drawing knowledge from God's mind, knowing God's mind for your life, knowing God's mind for others. 

—Level 3: Oneness With Gods Nature; The Indwelling Christ

Becoming one with the nature of God: oneness with the righteousness and holiness of God, overcoming sin, the prayer of the Godhead, oneness with the wisdom of God, oneness with the faith of God etc. 

—Level 4: Oneness With Gods Essence; Releasing The Glory

Becoming one with the presence of God, learning to emit that presence. We are light beings, and we are is glory. Knowing the power of God and walking in the faith of Jesus. Expanding and emitting the glory within.

Introducing The Coach 

I am David Emechete, I would be playing the role of a couch in this course, because what we are doing here is mainly based on practical exercises. This means I would be giving certain instructions concerning the exercises that we would all be doing, and I would share messages that would help you in doing these exercises. Your role is to do these exercises and answer when I ask for a report about how you have been going about the exercises. You can ask questions where you don't understand, and you can chat me privately any time when you are having problems doing these things. 

I am not a pastor or a prophet. By calling, I am an apostle. In this course I will not be playing the role of your pastor or prophet. If you need pastor or prophet, then go get one. Don't expect me to leave my work and start trying to see for you or pray for your personal issues. What I do in my time of prayer is very crucial, and I cannot abandon it to start helping people solve their personal issues. Of course, I love to help as long as it doesn't affect other crucial things. God has placed different ministries in the body to help us. 

As an apostle my work is to discover and break new grounds, then establish the foundation so that the prophets, pastors and the rest can build on it. So in my place of prayer I am exploring in the spirit, testing things, experimenting and discovering. I cannot abandon that important work to begin prayer for people's personal issues. God has established other ministries for that, so go to them, go get a pastor or a prophet, and don't turn me into yours. The reason why I stated all that is because of past experiences, I hope you understand. 

Now, because your coach is an apostle by calling, it means my approach and concentration in this course would be different from that of a prophet. I am not training you to become a prophet, I would not be going super deep in the prophetic. I am training you to be a mature Christian that would be able to move in every area of the fullness of God. 

I am sorry, I would not be going into a lot of teachings, just a few that I feel cannot be avoided. I have a teaching ministry, so if you want my teachings you can visit my blog 

I also have two Facebook pages, one is titled Centrality and Supremacy of Christ, and the other is titled Intimacy With God and School of The Spirit . I have also authored 11 books, of which I am giving two of them for free on e-format. You can ask me for them if you are interested in reading, they are titled The Procession Of Holiness, and Victory Over Sin. We are going to be doing a lot of personal studying in this course, so if you are not used to it you better start getting used to it. 


1. Immediately you join, get active: Please, this is a very active group, it is a group for people who want to actively engage God and grow in his fullness. If you know you don't have time for that, please just leave immediately. Don't wait till I begin to say something you will not like, because I will not take it easy on you. 

2. You must be highly motivated: Well, if you are not, at least have a strong desire to be very motivated. You need to be very motivated because what we are going to be doing is really tough and hard on the flesh. We are not petting the flesh here, we are not even flesh any breathing space. If you are not ready to be hard on your flesh, please leave. I don't want anybody giving me further stress, just leave please. 

3. You must be adaptive: Some people are just attached to one way of praying or living the Christian life that it has become difficult for them to accept any other things. In this course I will be asking you to do a lot of things that you've never done before, things that you probably have not heard of, and things that you never thought you could do. So we have to be flexible, to be able to adapt and learn fast. We must learn to be able to take up challenges, face them and conquer them. Yes, you need courage, a lot of it. And by courage I mean faith. 

4. Only relevant content should be posted in the group: You are not allowed to post anyhow in this group. I don't want people to be overwhelmed with a lot of posts. It's okay to share things but let it be relevant things, and keep it minimal. No advert of any kind, let us just focus on what we are here to do. 

5. Lastly, please visit the group frequently and read my instructions: My posts are also very relevant. I don't want people who only open their Whatsapp once in a while. We need to be committed to what we are doing here. I would ensure that the group does not become overwhelmed with a lot of posts so that it would be easy for you to follow. 

Now, below are instructions and exercises that you should start immediately. Read them carefully and start working on them. Your efficacy in doing them determines whether you are capable of doing this course. This initial group is just an entry stage, you have not fully started. I am not asking for any fee to be paid, your true qualification for entry is your ability to follow instructions and carry out the exercises. And that is what we would be testing in this entry stage. Please, get started immediately you join, I will not be accepting any excuse.

Level1: Oneness With Gods Heart; Intimacy

Becoming one with God's heart: knowing God as love, becoming acquainted with His heart, communicating with God heart to heart, living from His heart, being able to feel His heart for other people, loving others and interacting with them from Gods heart.

EXERCISE 1: Pursuing A Revelation of God's Love

Get materials to explore in the quest to attain a revelation of Gods love. Materials such as books, audio and video messages, the Bible, songs, blogs and articles etc. Allow the Holy Spirit lead you in choosing the material to explore. With the material you have chosen create a study plan with the help of the Spirit, and then follow through with the plan. Spend a lot and lot of time meditating on Gods love and asking God to give you the revelation of His love. Learn to see His love everywhere and in everything. See His love in creation, in nature, in the life that He has given you, in the death of Christ for you, in Christ finished work and the rest (the Sabbath) he has brought you into.

See His love in the relationship He has with you, the love He shows you daily, the way He treats you, care for you and forgives your sins. Meditate on the wonders of His love, think about His love from every angle you can think of. Then you can share in the group the things you are coming to learn about God's love. You can also share with the rest of the group materials that you have been exploring, such as ebooks, worship songs, articles, audio messages etc. And you are encouraged to write poems on the topic and share with group. It might be a poem written by someone else, maybe even a spoken word. Just share with your fellow brethren what you have be ensuing and try to encourage and edify one another.

EXERCISE 2: Developing A Habit Of Worship

Separate a time every day to just worship God. You can create a playlist of your favourite worship songs use them during your daily time of worship. Allow the Holy Spirit lead you in the place of worship, and freely express the Spirit. Spend that time just loving God and adoring Him, and allow yourself be soaked in worship. Try to be faithful to the time you have picked for your daily worship, and develop consistency in practicing this worship. Habits are developed through consistency.

EXERCISE 3: Teaching Your Heart To Love God 

Each time you have a break during the day, even if it is 5 minutes or less, you can take advantage of that opportunity. Shut every other thing, put your phone aside. Stay quietly and just begin to teach your heart to love God. Just keep telling him that you love him, and that you enjoy him. Telling him that you enjoy pursuing him, that he is your greatest desire and it just excites you as you chase after him. Don't use empty words, pour out your heart; let every word correspond with your heart. Rest your heart on God's love, and just enjoy him. Tell him that he is your pleasure, that you enjoy him, that he is sweet.

"You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." (Psa 16:11 NKJV). 

"You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever." (Psa 16:11 NLT).

Seek for the joy of pursuing God and the pleasure of being with him. Do this with every opportunity you have. Even if you have to pause your work for a minute and just do it. Do it as many times as possible. Lean into God's presence and just enjoy him. The more you do this, the more it will become real to you. You will find that indeed you enjoy him, you will feel the pleasure of his presence, that sweetness that sweeps all over you and overwhelms your heart. Yes, as you lean on him and seek the pleasure of his presence you will feel waves and waves of his sweet presence pouring all over your body and overwhelming you. Whether you feel anything or not, just allow yourself desire and enjoy God. This will really help you in your pursuit of God. It will no longer be so difficult  for you to do the things of God, you will just be enjoying God all the way.

EXERCISE 4: The Prayer Of Affection 

You will quiet your mind while focusing on God and paying attention to your heart. You don't need to speak in tongues or say anything just be still, remain silence while channeling your heart towards God, pouring it out from within you without saying any words. I am asking you to do it without words because I don't want you to get too attached with words, we humans are too attached to words and other outward things that we are unable to recognize things in the spirit and in our hearts if they have no words tagged on them. 

So the way you are going to do this is by resting on the Holy Spirit. Yes, you first rest your heart on the Holy Spirit and from there you pour it out unto God, channeling it towards Him, and just remain like that. Don’t allow your mind get distracted, just remain for as long as you can. Soon you will feel certain rush of emotions. A cry, a desire, a longing for God (here is where you can utter words, just few passionate words), and as this continues you become undone, complete overtakened by this powerful longing for God. Yet don't stop, just remain there. You will discover such strong and intense longing for God, something you never taught was there all along. It is the Holy Spirit that put it there, and now you are becoming awakened to what the Holy Spirit is doing in you. 

As your emotions pours out and touches God, just remain there loving and adoring Him. You can create a picture of Him in your mind; maybe you are in a garden together, holding hands, walking, or sitting, just spending time together, or you are with Him in the throne room and you sit on His lap and place your head on His chest. This is the time to get intimate with God, He is your Father and your Lover. The purpose of imagining these things is to help your mind make sense of what is happening in your spirit, and to help anchor your mind so that it doesn't wonder away. This way you will be able to stay focus and enjoy the fellowship. But don't be too focused on the imagination of your mind that you give little concentration to your heart. 

When you give a greater concentration to your heart then it would begin to bend and control the imagination of your mind to properly reflect what is going on in the spirit realm with the Father. So what is happening is that you are submitting your heart to the Holy Spirit, and then submitting your mind to your heart. Then by the Holy Spirit your heart becomes flooded with the intimacy going on in the realm of the spirit with God, and then your heart sends signals to the imagination in your mind in order for it to become conform to what is happening in the spirit. This way you are seeing in your imagination what is happening in the spirit, and you are also experiencing that intercourse in your heart. 

Please, before you start ask the Holy Spirit to take hold of your heart, tell him you are placing your heart in his hands and you are doing everything by resting on him. Again, I hope you get how many things I asked you to focus on? You focus on the Holy Spirit in you, then rest your heart on the Holy Spirit in you. After that focus on your heart in the Holy Spirit, and then pour it out unto God as you keep your focus on Him. Remain like that for a while till you could feel your heart pouring out onto God, then you create the imagination and align it with the spirit while enjoying fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit. Read this instruction several times over so that it can sink in properly and you will know what to do when you start. If there is anything you don't understand you can ask your questions.  

LASTLY: Developing The Habit Of Daily Practice

It is important that practicing exercises that builds your spirit-man becomes a daily habit to you.

In fact, these exercises should become your lifestyle. A body builder would have to make exercise a habit whether he likes it or not. He would have to develop a lifestyle around going to the gym, because body building would not work if he only exercises every now and then. We humans like sharp and quick things, something that we would just do once and get what we want. But anything that has to do with building takes time and patience. When you are building a house or some structure, there are points you will get to that you would have to wait for something to dry, cement, or become stronger.

You cannot rush things otherwise the building would collapse, it requires patience and time. We must understand that what we are doing here is building. No, we are not doing impartation, I am sorry; it would not come and jump on you. The Lord wants you to be well built in him, that's what leads to maturity, and maturity is the main goal here. So you must learn patience and persistency. You must learn to be consistent with the exercises. In order to develop a habit you must build a stronghold. By "Strongholds" I mean mental walls built to keep you within a pattern of behaviour. Once this stronghold is built it becomes difficult to deviate from that behaviour, you would just find out you cannot go to bed and end your day without doing these things. To build this requires an unbroken chain of consistency.

Yes, you do it today, tomorrow, trying very hard to continue each day without breaking the chain.

If you break the chain you would have to start all over again. So it requires a lot of energy and carefulness to build this stronghold. You will do whatever it takes, whether setting alarm, or asking someone to remind you. Whatever it takes just maintain the chain till the stronghold is built and cemented. It is important we do this otherwise we would have problems later in the future as we continue. So I will give you seven days to try and maintain this chain, and at the end of these seven days (on Sunday) I will ask to see how well you have done. If we still cannot maintain the chain I will have to intervene. The seven days starts today, and we are practicing disciplining the mind, I have explained how it is done. I expect every one of you to do it. 

If you haven't noticed by now, the approach use in this course in attaining the supernatural is not impartation. And I have my reasons for that. The writeup below will help give you some understanding.

Spiritual Laws In Christ; Foretaste And Fullness

The understanding of this law is very important in Christianity today because we are currently experiencing this agitation to have the supernatural. We must understand that there are two ways to attain the supernatural. It is either we attain it through foretaste or through fullness. Foretaste is having a taste or an experience of the fullness before you enter into the fullness. It is a temporal experience that you have in a state of immaturity, an experience that is only meant for when you possessed a certain fullness, perfection or mastery in Christ. 

It is a tradition of God to give a foretaste before bringing us to fullness. The wisdom behind this is that the foretastes makes us hungry and passionately pursue the fullness. The gifts of the Spirit is a foretaste that God gives us through the Holy Spirit. And the goal is to increase your hunger and cause you to pursue that fullness. When you have a prophetic gift that causes you to experience the prophetic once in a while, soon you will develop an appetite for this experience. Appetite leads to hunger and hunger leads to pursuit. Pursuit leads to growing into maturity and fullness. There is a spiritual law; if you desire something of God earnestly you will have it. 

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled." (Matt 5:6).

"When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else," (Jer 29:13).

"So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him." (Matt 7:11).

As you grows deeply hungry and pursuing it with all of your heart, you would grow and get to a point where you can enter into the prophetic at will. This point is what is called fullness, it is when you have finally possess that dimension of God. In foretaste you do not possess it, it is in the hands of the Holy Spirit, and it only manifest on you whenever the Spirit wants. But in fullness it is now in your possession and you can manifest it at will. The gifts of the Spirit is meant to move you from foretaste to fullness, however some people get stunk in foretaste. They create a theology that it is wrong to manifest the dimensions of God at will, so they refuse to possess the land. I will elaborate will elaborate this principle of foretaste and fullness from scripture. 

“The Lord now said to Moses, Send out men to explore the land of Canaan, the land I am giving to the Israelites. Send one leader from each of the twelve ancestral tribes. So Moses did as the Lord commanded him. He sent out twelve men, all tribal leaders of Israel, from their camp in the wilderness of Paran. (Num 13:1-3).

The Israelites were about to possess the land of Canaan—the land of God's fullness, where they would enjoy the fullness of the covenant promise. Just before they possess the land God asked them to go to the land of promise and explore it. God asked Moses to send one youth from each of the twelve tribes. The twelve youth would represent the whole of Israel and they are to go and have a foretaste of the land i.e. to explore and experience the land even before it became their possession. The whole of Israel, through those youth, would have a foretaste of the land of God's fullness. Can you see that not everyone will experience foretaste? It is only some chosen ones that will experience it on your behalf—they will represent the others. 

This is a picture of the New Covenant as some believers through the Spirit of the Lord can have a foretaste of God's fullness. Christ is the land of promise, he is the land of God's fullness (Col 1:19; 2:9). Foretaste is the sovereign work of God as it was God that commanded the people to go explore the land and it was God who made the journey easier and faster. The people that were to experience it were chosen by the sovereign will of God. 

"All these gifts have a common origin, but are handed out one by one by the Spirit of God. He decides who gets what, and when." (1Cor 12:11).

In foretaste it is the Holy Spirit that hand pick the people that would experience it and which dimension of Christ they will experience. Foretaste is totally in the hands of God and it just comes on you without any effort from your side. You just find yourself manifesting certain spiritual abilities. You are not in control of it, it just comes whenever God wills it. This is because in foretaste that thing has not become your possession, you are only experiencing it. But God doesn't want us to remain in that place, He wants us to possess the things of the Spirit. This way we will be able to manifest it at our own will as mature sons of God. 

"Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1Cor 1:24). 

The gift of healing is a foretaste, however Christ is the power of God and anyone who have Christ inside of him can heal the sick. Even if you don't have the gift of healing, as a normal Christian you can train your faith to heal. You can even train yourself to the point where you heal more people than one who has the gift of healing. Gifts does not come by training, it just comes on you by the Spirit sovereign will. But even though you don't have the gift, as long as you have Christ in you, you can train your faith until you attain fullness, manifesting great power. Even those who have gifts of the Spirit also need to go for training, because that is the whole essence of the gift. It is there to give you more hunger that will motivate you towards the rigorous process of training. 

So whether you have the gift or not, as long as it is a dimension in God, and Christ the fullness of God is in you, then you can build yourself to possess that fullness. Unlike foretaste, fullness takes effort. It took much effort from the children of Israel before they can reach Canaan—the land of God's fullness. It took 400 years of trying to overcome unbelief and develop faith. Those that cannot nurture and develop faith will never possess the fullness; remember the generation that couldn't have faith was wiped out. The Israelites had to fight a series of battle while trying to possess the fullness God had promised them. Yes, the promise of the fullness is yours but you must fight to possess it. God has promised every one of us his fullness, not just people with gifts. Those things that those gifts people are manifesting is a foretaste of a fullness that is meant for you. So don't just sit there, fight to attain that fullness. 

This fight is important because of the deadness of the flesh. Death and sin had done serious damage to your flesh, as such it has become dead to the things of God. This is why after developing faith you still need to go through a process. You must conquer the effect of death in your body, you must get your flesh filled with life so that it will be able to access the things of God at will. This process is what I take my student through in the course Oneness With God. Death is separation from God, and life is the way to reuniting with God. The more life you have, the more you become one with God, possessing His fullness. So attaining fullness requires a lot of effort and takes time. All of this helps in developing character. 

That process of waiting, pressing and being broken would help to develop your character. Waiting requires brokenness and emptiness. Those who are full of themselves cannot wait, but if you must wait then you must be broken. Yes, the process of attaining fullness helps to develop character. And we are tired of seeing gifted men without character. This is why I don't use or teach impartation. Impartation is a way of entering into foretaste. Impartation is spiritual abilities coming upon you through another member of Christ body. It just came on you, you did not grow into it, you did not press and wait, it is a foretaste. 

While foretaste is good, we must all press for fullness. Yes, even after attaining foretaste you must press till you possess the fullness. There are many people that attain the supernatural through foretaste but overtime it develop into fullness. But sadly they do not know the difference, they did not know that what they first had was foretaste which later developed into fullness. Anyway, the reason why all this knowledge is coming out today is so we do not become overly dependent on gifts of the Spirit and impartation. 

Christ is the fullness of God, whether gift or no gift, impartation or no impartation, you can possess the fullness of God as long as you are in Christ. Trust me, this is not just a theory. I have taken people who never had any prophetic gift, and I brought them to become prophetic people. This thing is empirical, and it is practical. It has been proven, it is a law. We all have access to God's fullness, and we should press till we possess it. 

The Resources And The People Of The Land (Christ)

I have often described the reality in Christ as a land, a whole new world, a new creation. Like stepping into planet Mars for example, that's a whole new world.

"For in him we live and move and exist." (Acts 17:28).

He is the land and we as his people, we are a community in this land. When the Israelites entered into the land of promise, manna stopped falling from heaven. This is because God wanted them to work for their food, they were to tend the land, and yield its produce.

"The Lord says, “Don’t harden your hearts as Israel did at Meribah, as they did at Massah in the wilderness. For there your ancestors tested and tried my patience, even though they saw everything I did. For forty years I was angry with them, and I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts turn away from me. They refuse to do what I tell them.’ So in my anger I took an oath: ‘They will never enter my place of rest.’”" (Psa 95:8-11)


"The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it." (Gen 2:15).

Canaan land was called a place of rest, the garden of Eden was also a place of rest that God gave man when he entered into rest from creation. In both places of rest they were given an assignment, "tend the land". Yes, rest does not mean doing nothing and hoping manna will fall from heaven. They must work hard in cultivating the land. However, this work would be greatly blessed so that they will yield more than they worked for.

"For we who believe enter his rest... For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world." (Heb 4:3,10).

Christ is the place of rest that God has given us. In this rest we must tend the land. The land is filled with riches, it is a land flowing with milk and honey. But if you do not tend it you will go hungry despite how rich the land is. Yes, there were still poor people in Israel even though every family was given a portion of this land flowing with milk and honey. There will always be poor people because people are lazy. The resources are there but they are too lazy to explore.

"To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ," (Eph 3:8).

Christ is filled with unsearchable riches but we have not been taught to tend the Land. In fact, most of us have not learn how to rest in the land much less tending the Land. Most of us are still largely in religion, we are not even in the Land, we have been taken captive into religion. We must break free from religion, learn to rest, and then begin to tend to the Land. Yes, stop working for your righteousness, rest in the righteousness you already have in Christ. Until you rest in that righteousness you can't begin to work out (tend) the righteousness (Phil 2:12).

You have to stop paying for your own sin by punishing yourself with guilt. Rest in the payment that Jesus made with his blood, and from there nurture a right walk with God. There are so many ways we have been in religion rather than tending the land. We see power and blessing as something that we have to make God give us. So we keep looking for ways to manipulate God, force his hand, or appease him so that he would give us these things. Please, come out from the wilderness, stop begging for manna to fall from heaven. The days of the wilderness has ended, come into the land and tend it.

"Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1Cor 1:24).

"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ." (Eph 1:3).

"For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours," (1Cor 3:21-22).

In Christ you already have the power of God—yes all of God's power. In Christ all of heaven have been emptied and poured on you. You have all the blessings you will ever need, but physically and spiritual. All the spiritual gifts you will ever need are available  here in this Land, you only need to learn how to tend the Land. However, there are those who would be too lazy to tend the Land. We have been taught a culture of laziness. We were taught that we do not need to tend the Land, that only the pastors are meant to tend the Land, and we should all become beggers at the feet of the pastors.

The dream of the rich man is that the poor should worship him. Yes, they prefer not to teach the poor how to be rich, they want the poor to be dependent on them so that they can have power over them. Spiritual impartation is likened to going to the rich man to beg for some gifts—the same gifts that you can get by yourself if you learn to work and be rich. There is nothing bad in collecting gifts or asking for gifts, but when you are taught that it is your normal life and you have to be begging for gifts from one place to another, then you are being served a great injustice.

Most Christians have been turned into beggers because the rich (the gifted men) wants to be worship. They have taught us to be beggers, to heavily depend on them, to run to them for every little thing when we all share the same Land. Wake up! The same Land (Christ) where they got their riches is also yours. You can tend this Land and become as rich as them, or even richer. Don't let anybody deceive you that certain riches of Christ can only come through impartation—that's a lie. 

Over a thousand years in the history of the Church there was scarcely any supernatural. There was no gifts of the spirit, the fivefold ministry was extinct, and there was hardly any miracle. So how did people got back the gifts of the Spirit and the fivefold ministry? Did the Apostles of old came back from death to give them impartation? Of course no, these men became sick and tired of being so powerless when they knew they were serving a Almighty supernatural Being. They were tired of reading all these miracles in the Bible and not have it manifest in their lives. 

So they press and press deep into Christ till they were able to work out the power of God living inside them all this while. The people that spoke in tongues in the early 20s after speaking in tongues had been extinct for over a thousand years, how did they do it? Did the apostles of old came to lay hands on them? Did they receive any impartation? No, they pressed, they tend the Land. Charles Parham held a Bible study, he gave his students an assignment to study the books of Acts and find out the initial evidence of the baptismal of the Holy Spirit. 

After studying they were all convinced that speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of being baptized by the Holy Spirit. And as they continued to press that experience broke loose in their midst, they started speaking in tongues. That experience sparked the Pentecostal Revival and spread the whole body of Christ. It is much easier to go to a rich man and beg for a gift. But the Lord has called us to tend the Land. While it is good for us to help each other and give each other gifts, we must all learn to tend the Land. We cannot afford to nurture laziness in our midst. 

How can a land filled with thousands of people but only a hundred is rich, and the rest are taught to pursue the rich people about begging for substance. Yes, that is the Christianity we are practicing today. People are pursuing men of God up and down, struggling to touch their clothes, begging to be prayed for, begging and even paying for impartation. There are more teaching about impartation than how to tend the Land yourself. This is a conscious effort to keep us in perpetual poverty. 

Men wants to be worship, they love it when you are on your knees begging them, ready to do anything for them. They enjoy that treatment and they want things to remain that way so they continue to promote the teaching of impartation. I am not saying impartation is bad, but when the teaching of impartation has become the main teaching then the people will be subjected to spiritual poverty and a life of constant begging. We simply cannot continue to like this. We must exalt the need to tend the Land above the teaching of impartation, otherwise the Land will have very few rich men. 

If a land has very few rich men yet overwhelmed with poor people then that land is said to be underdeveloped. Yes, Christ our land is underdeveloped. Look at the Church today, so powerless and weak. We have no voice in the nation, the government kicks us around, we are nobody. We have no influence, nothing. Yes, that is the characteristics of an underdeveloped nation, it has no say among the nations but rather falls under exploitation. 

In order for this Land to be developed we need more people tending the Land. This is why I have refused to use impartation in my training on the supernatural. It's intentional, the body of Christ needs to stop being so lazy and learn how to tend the Land. Oh, there is so much glory, power and blessings that you can attain if only you stop being so lazy and start pressing hard, tending the Land. Yes, nurture Christ the power of God in you, for he is already inside you and you only need to nurture him still he blossom. Tend and nurture all of the fullness of God in you till you become filled with his glory. 


While going through everything, you may already begin to feel that this thing will be very difficult. Yes, of course it would be very hard on the flesh, but thank God you are not the flesh. You are not this carnal man that finds it difficult to do the things of the Spirit and to pursue God more vigorously.

"Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work." (John 4:34).

"My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." (Gal 2:20).

It is your old man that finds these things difficult, and it is going to be hard on the flesh because it is designed to disable and break the flesh. But thank God you are not the flesh, you don't need to suffer his pain and experience his hardship. You can become so awaken and conscious of the son that lives in you to the extent that instead of you being overwhelmed by the hardship your flesh (old man) is going through, you can be caught up in the joy and pleasure that the son of God in you enjoy when seeking the Father. Every exercise in this entry stage is designed to help you become awaken to the son in you that loves and enjoys the things of God. When you become awaken to him then you will have enough motivation, will and power to scale through every challenges that you may encounter in this course. So do your best to practice every of the exercises described here. 

I know you may feel you already do these things. But now you must do them with more vigor and consistency. Remember, you will be asked to give a report every Sunday. If you can pass this entry stage successfully, then the rest will be much easy. 

Saturday, 26 September 2020

The New Man; From My Book "The Land"


"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." (2Tim 1:7).

The new man is not ruled by fear neither is he coward. He is brave and full of faith. He is the heir of God, a ruler of the cosmos, a mighty commander, one that gives an order and the whole universe must obey. He is a terror to the powers of hell. When he walks in, darkness gives way, darkness cannot stand his presence. He is a consuming fear, iniquity cannot withstand him. The new man is a member of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He fear nothing, but commands fear from his enemies. 

"I will send my terror ahead of you and create panic among all the people whose lands you invade. I will make all your enemies turn and run." (Exo 23:27). 

The new man is designed to be a terror unto the enemies. Immediately he steps into their midst, they are thrown into panic. What power dare stand before him and not shiver? Demon dare not argue with him, just one word of command and they flee immediately (see the life of Jesus and how he casted out demons). The new man is exactly like Jesus, he is one with Christ. He is very witty, he cannot be cornered or outsmarted. You cannot trap him with human wisdom, he is far beyond that. And no matter how cunning and intelligent you are, you cannot outwit him. His wisdom and power is not of this world, it is Christ himself. 

"The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all" (John 3:31).

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere" (James 3:17).

"Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1Cor 1:24)

Christ is the wisdom of the new man, the wisdom from above, the superior wisdom. Everything about this new man is superior to that which is earthly, for this man is from above and that which is from above is greater. As a result of the immense greatness of the power and wisdom he wield there is no problem or challenges he cannot overcome so effortlessly. This man is designed to be an overcomer. God had every challenges in mind when he was designing him, and he design him to be able to overcome them all. The new man is an overcomer by design. 

"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith." (1John 5:4).

"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." (1John 4:4).

The new man is not trying to be an overcomer, he is already an overcomer by design. The greatness that lives in him has already qualified him as an overcomer, for there is nothing that can withstand such greatness. This man cannot be intimidated by anything, rather he faces all things with great resolve and courage. He is a mighty warrior, the kind that puts a thousand to flight (Due 32:30). This new man is who you are in this Land.

This is an excerpt from my book, THE LAND

To get this book you can follow this link:

We have been transformed from the inside. Now all we need is a renewal of your mind. Get this book and drop your email for when the audio will come out. Read and study it, meditate on it, listen to the audio daily, and you will find yourself acting differently, thinking different, yes freedom at last, for you will be free to be who you truly are in Christ.

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What we are doing here are very practical things. We are bringing the things of the Spirit and the mysteries of God down to earth. The things of the Spirit doesn't need to look too obscure anymore, neither does it need to look too difficult. You can enter into a dimension where these things comes easy to you. You can trend the easy path that God has given us, the path of the bride, that romantic and joyous ride into glory.

The problem I keep having with people are our mentality. Many of us have a work base mentality. Our thinking and attitude has been program towards attaining the things of the Spirit through works. And most of us have imbibe a lot of theologies that is affecting us. Some will tell you these things are for only some special gifted people. My dear, you are a son and heir. What is the portion of a son and heir of a very rich king? Of course, he inherits his father's nature (traits), his father's money, power, and kingdom. You are sons and heir of God, I don't need big big grammar to explain what that entails.

This thing is not hard. We only need to go through a process of detoxification, to purge out all those wrong mentality and attitude that keeps pushing us to pursue it the wrong way. And also detoxify all those theologies that steals your faith. Theologies of unbelief, created by people who simply don't want to believe what is already clear about this good news. Indeed, it is a news too good to be true, that is why many will continue to struggle to believe it wholeheartedly.

You Need To Read These Books

If you can read these 3 books, you will be shocked at the endless possibilities that we have in Christ. I laugh when I hear people talk about the 9 gifts of the Spirit. What we have in Christ is endless, it is beyond 9, it is beyond our farest imagination. Saints have done really amazing things in the past.

There is one that turns invisible whenever he wants to pray, or he becomes as small as ant and hide so that no one will disturb him when he wants to pray. Another goes under ice cold water, without breathing aid or anything such thing, and he will be praying under water. Others walked in fire, oven, go on for years without sleeping or eating. They will not eat or sleep yet they are as energetic as one who just smoke egbo. Some were even getting fatter and fresher without eating for years.

They were living like gods, experiencing in their physical bodies things that are meant for the age to come. Some of these people could talk to animals, settle disputes between people and beast. As for healing, they were seen miraculously healing cases that were completely hopeless, people that there bodies were pieces completely. You will see saints who heads were cut off yet they carried their heads on their hands and continued preaching.

People walking on walls like Spiderman. Saints communicating with themselves telepathically, even between long distance they were having conversations inside their heads (hearts). Saints going to heaven to have church meetings and bringing down gold, and other precious stones back with them to earth. People being teleported from place to place, ministering the gospel. Food and even money multiplying.

I am just saying even when it comes to physical things like precious stones, money, and food, we still see the supernatural playing out. In every aspect of our lives God wants to manifest the supernatural. There saints who had their clothes never fade. There was this man that was attacked by a mob, the more they tear his clothes the clothe will grow back, looking new. Some of these saints bodies never decay. There is one that has been alive for over 400 years. 

I didn't even mention people turning into beast. Like one time Justin P. Abraham was attacked by robbers the guy turned into a vicious bear and the robbers ran for their lives 😅. Some of saints bodies were transfigured to look like angels, even their families could not recognize them anymore. Some levitated, had super human strength. In fact, the list is endless.

John Crowder, the author of one of the books I mentioned here, while preaching he would often bilocate and go home to go play with his children. He would be in the altar preaching and at home at the same time. One time he was preaching and a thief came to steal in his house, he immediately knew and bilocate home while still at the altar. He chased the thief out of his house.

Oneness With God Exercise

The goal or height of spiritual growth is to come into oneness with God experientially. I wrote a post titled "Understanding Spiritual Growth And How To Increase Its Speed".

In that post I explained that spiritual growth comes from abiding in Christ. By abiding, we grow into oneness with Christ. I also explained in that post that we abide by being occupied with Christ. I would like to add that another thing that would keep us abiding is love. When we love the place we are currently staying, then it is unlikely that we would want to leave that place. As such, we remain abiding in Christ by loving him. Having said all that, I will move on to our present discuss.

When Jesus used the word "abide" he liked us to a plant. So we are like plants which needs to abide in Christ and be exposed to the sunlight. Sunlight here refers to the revelation of Christ. We come under the sunlight (revelation of Christ) and abide in the indwelling Christ. As we do this, life begins to flow from Christ into us, causing spiritual growth. Just as plant grows in the presence of the sunlight, we need the revelation of Christ, and we need to stay in that revelation by fixing our eyes on it so as to grow. Now, here in this post is an exercise which combines all these principles in order that you might be infused with the life of Christ and grow into oneness with him.

To do the exercise you will need sunlight (a revelation of Christ). You'll get this revelation by spending enough time in study and meditation. When indeed, you are sure that you have gotten the revelation, and it is not just an head knowledge to you, but you've behold this truth with eyes of your heart, then you can go into this mystic prayer. The prayer has 5 stages: Recollection, Prayer of Affection, Prayer Of Union, Ecstatic Union, and Deifying Union. I would explain. You will start as follows:

1) Recollection: Here you recollection this revelation you have gotten. Try to remember it, recount it and behold it in your mind. You can make certain declarations about your identity in Christ and your reality in Christ.

2) Prayer Of Affection: After spending some time to recollect, you begin to love and adore God and the reality in Christ. The truth is that all that is in Christ is Christ. The wisdom that is in Christ is Christ, the power that is in Christ is Christ (1Cor 1:24). Christ is all in all in the reality of Christ. So look at the reality in Christ and love them. Love the wisdom in Christ, the righteousness in Christ, the clear and guilt free conscience that we enjoy in Christ, the holiness and purity that we have in Christ. Love that feeling of being pure and clean, adore it, take pleasure in how sweet it is to have a clean and pure conscience (see Col 2:14; 1John 1:7; Heb 9:14; Heb 10:1-3,16-22; Rom 8:31-34: 1John 3:20). Behold the victory over sin that is now a reality in Christ. Look at this amazing reality in wonder. Yes, it's unbelievable that one would live a sinless life, but this reality is there in Christ. Look at it and wonder upon it, adore it, thank God for it, rejoice over it in your heart. In the prayer of affection you speak with a low tone, uttering whispers of love unto God. And you speak fewer words because you are trying to pay attention and draw from the Holy Spirit. You are drawing from the Holy Spirit because he is the Spirit that shed the love of God abroad in our hearts (Rom 5:5). In the prayer of affection you are not loving God with your human love, you are loving God with God's love—the love that the Holy Spirit shed abroad in your heart. This is why you are quiet, paying attention to the works of the Holy Spirit in your heart, trying to draw love from the Holy Spirit, and love God with the God's love. Whether you feel anything or not, just act on faith. Behold the wonder of God, his power, his faithfulness, his patience, his love etc. Notice I am point to two things—the person of God, and the reality in Christ—you can choose to focus on either one in your prayer. So in the prayer of affection, you just love and adore God or/and the reality in Christ.

3) Prayer Of Union: After spending some time whispering those words of love to your Eternal Lover and arousing passion in your heart for him, you should keep quiet. Yes, be silence as you rest in all that. You rest in the revelation of God, and you rest in your passion for Him. But remember to rest by the Spirit. You are to release yourself to the Holy Spirit and just rest in Christ. At this point no human efforts is needed, you just need to trust Christ and rely on the Holy Spirit. Hold on to the passion in your heart and the revelation in your mind, and just be still as you rest in oneness with Christ. Yes, stay still while keeping every distraction out. Remain like that for hours. Do this every day.

4) Ecstatic Union: As you continue in the prayer of union, life is flowing out of Christ into you. This is happening because you are abiding in Christ; you are sitting like a plant under the sunlight (revelation of Christ). In that place of silence life is flowing from Christ into you. It might not feel like it but remain. Like someone said, "a plant does not make noise when it is growing, it only makes noise when it is falling", growth happens in silence. So as you continue to remain, the life will fill you to the point of ecstasy. At this point you might feel certain things like power, energy, electricity flowing through you, or a boost of confidence, faith, a strong will, boldness etc. You might feel like fire burning within you, or you might feel like you are about to explode. Both your body and soul are filled with the overwhelming fullness of God, this is what leads to ecstasy. You might fall into trance, levitate, glow, bilocation, etc. At this stage the laws of nature might begin to bend around you because the reality of God is invading you. Time may become faster or slower, space may bend and portals to other locations on earth would appear. The divide between heaven and earth become thinner, and heaven is invading your room. Everything is going bizarre as you remain there. However, ecstacy is not our goal, oneness with God is what we are after 

5) Deifying Union: After the great shaking of reality which came about as a result of the fullness of God invading you, then you will come in union with God. You become one with the Son. When you come into oneness with the Son you might find yourself seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. And the Father might begin to show the son greater works and teach you certain things. 

"For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything he is doing. In fact, the Father will show him how to do even greater works than healing this man. Then you will truly be astonished." (John 5:20).

Or the Father might begin to do things through you, and together with you. You can translocation to another place and you will minister as the Son to somebody or some people. You will just do things in perfect union with God, commanding all the powers that God has in oneness with the will of God. 

Alright, this is where I will end this post. This is not just theories, I am sharing this from experience. If you can practice this prayer and remain consistent, you will grow spiritually so fast, and you will have a lot of amazing experience with God. This is something that God lead me into, it took years for me to grasp what he was trying to make me do. He would often remove my ability to speak in the place of prayer, then he would draw me into this intimacy and love, and he would ask me to stay. 

I didn't understand at first, I try to run away from it. But each time I come to the place of prayer God starts this thing again, so I stopped praying all together. I would only come, dip a toe into prayer, and run away before it gets too bizarre. But that didn't stop me from experiencing some really bizarre things. After years of growing and learning more about Christ, I finally got enough understanding to practice and teach this prayer. Some of the terms used here are borrowed from Christian Mystical Theology. I only made some changes in there definition. It turned out that Christianity has a rich history of mysticsim, and the Christian mystics developed these stages of prayer from their experience. So I am not the only one that has experienced this pray, this means it can be generalized. So this is something that have been practiced by several people in history, it has been tested and proven to be effective. 

The potency of this prayer is amazing. You will find yourself walking in greater victory over sin, loving God, enjoying the joy of salvation and filled with the peace of Christ. I pray you will receive the strength to practice it regularly and allow it totally transform your spiritual life.

There Is A Process

I know some of you have already heard about those who had a taste of immortality. Those ancient Christians who's bodies were incorruptible, who levitated, glow with heavenly radiance, where found in multiple places at the same time, people who manifested godlike characteristics. Now, what you probably didn't hear is the process by which they acquire these things. No, they were not going about declaring, "I am immoral, I am immortal".

Yes, their goal was deification, they wanted to attain godlike attributes. But they were not going about declaring, "I can levitate, I can be in multiple places at the same time, in fact I am already everywhere at the same time, I am omnipresent, I am Christ, I am the Holy spirit". My dear, those things would not help you, they are just vain noise. The best they would do for you is make you sound and look weird and even crazy. Well, some people enjoy looking crazy, but what real benefits is that to you. 

True maturity is not going about making noise. Moreover, those things are not attained simple by declaration. Nobody have ever attained it through declaration. These mystics were not making noise, they attain these things through a method that took decades to develop. During those times there were two major kind of theology; the Orthodox theology and the Mystical theology. The Mystical theology took centuries to develop. These people didn't entered into these manifestation by mistake. It didn't just jump on them. 

They were intention, it took them generations upon generations to develop the method and intentionally practiced them. Yes, attaining deification requires a tedious process. You have not attained anything, and you are going about making noise. Those who even attain these things didn't make noise about it. They were even ashamed whenever they start levitating in the public. It is childishness that makes one go about making noise. Alright, I will quickly go through the tedious process that the mystics applied in attaining deification or divinization.

It is a three step process namely; purgative, illuminative and unitive. Purgative is the process of purging yourself of sinful habits and tendency. This is the first process of the way of the mystics, and according to them until you are well established in the purgative step the other steps would be futile to you. You need to strive for holiness, and maturity in virtual before you can truly gain anything from the other process. Illuminative is the process of pursuing revelation. Today, this is the only process we emphasize, but to the mystics after attaining revelation there are still other things that must be done.

Yes, these things does not come simply by revelation. You need a radical shift of consciousness, however the mind is a very stubborn thing. This radical shift of consciousness does not come simply by getting some knowledge or making some declaration. You are saying, "I am immortal, I am immortal", yet you are living among mortal people. Every day you are interacting with mortal men, you are discussing with them, you are watching them acting so mortal and always talking about mortal things. 

These things are robbing off on you and contradicting your declarations. Your mind is absorbing all of these things day after day, as such you declarations are like pouring a bucket of water on a hard concrete solid wall and hoping that it will break. To attain this radical shift in consciousness those mystics separated themselves from society. They went into desert and caves, and they spent most of their days in meditation and contemplation. Yes, the mind is very stubborn, if you want this radical shift of consciousness you will have to be violent about it.

Anyway, I don't believe you have to go into the desert or caves to do that. However, declarations alone is not enough. You need to go through serious exercises if you want the kind of radical shift of consciousness that will bring about this manifestation. After the illuminative stage is the unification stage where they have meditated to the extent that their consciousness begins to transcend the mortal realm and enter into oneness with God. This stage is characterized by ecstasy, sudden and unexpected supernatural manifestation.

One thing I admire about their method is the emphasis on holiness. To them, deification is not about manifesting the supernatural without virtue. Rather, it is the virtue that is true divinization/deification. Yes, the expression of divine love—a love so pure that it is totally out of this world, a love that could only come from the heart of God heavenly. These are the things we must strive for. So my point is that these lofty things require a process of vigorous pursuit. Don't sit there and expect that someone would just lay hands on you, or that you will just attend some program and these things will just jump on you.

Yes, you can have first experiences through those things. There is a difference between having an experience of a dimension and possessing that dimension. You can have a taste, but to truly possess it you need vigorous exercises. These are the things I take my students through in my course "Oneness With God". Our goal is to possess the fullness of God, to attain deification and divinization; manifesting the divine love together with the divine power.

Prophetic Utterance

There was a time I was teaching about prophetic utterance. The teaching is scattered and I couldn't gather them all together, but you can manage this:

Prophetic utterance is something that has drowned in the midst of our many prophetic declarations today. You know those things we see everywhere today where one self-proclaimed prophet would come out and say, "I prophesy into your life, you are blessed!" That is not prophetic utterance oh, it's prophetic declaration. Prophetic utterance is different from prophetic declarations.

Prophetic utterance is a supernatural occurrence. It is when you just open your mouth and it feels as if something has taking over your mouth and just speaking through you. It almost feels like you have been possessed, as you watch yourself saying all these words. You are not the one saying them; you are not even thinking about saying them, they are just coming out of your mouth. It feels like speaking in tongues but with English or any language of your understanding.

So you can express the prophetic (God's mind) through prophetic utterance. Once you have learnt oneness with God's mind, expressing the prophetic in whatever dimension becomes easy. Mastering oneness with God's mind is the main thing. Those of you who are students of my course, I have taught you the exercise that you ought to be doing in order to grow into oneness with God's mind. So as you touch God's mind through that exercise, you will direct whatever you are receiving straight out of your mouth.

Like I said, it is like speaking in tongues. And just as you can speak in tongues at will, you can also do this at will. I do this at will all the time. You merge your mind with God's mind and direct it out through your mouth. It always comes out in the first person pronoun e.g, "I will bless you if you will worship and exalt me for all of eternity". It is God speaking directly through your mouth. Or you are speaking God directly from his mind—however way you want to put it.

I feel it's one of the best ways to express the prophetic because as you do it the Spirit takes hold of your mouth and filters the word. He prevents the word from being contaminated by your thoughts. When you leave the words in your thoughts it might be obscure, but when you speak it out you hear it clearly and you can easily differentiate God's word from your thoughts.

Accessing Divine Healing In Christ


The Christian life starts from "it is finished!" (John 19:30). Affliction is finished, oppression is finished, depression in finished, sin is finished, sickness is finished, all things associated with darkness is finished in our lives. We have been translated from that reality of darkness, and been placed into the reality of God's kingdom where all that exists is joy, peace, love, grace, righteousness, holiness, wisdom, discipline, self-control, life, healing, etc. 

"He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved Son." (Col 1:13).

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." (Rev 21:4).

"The river was flowing in the middle of the street of the city, and on either side of the river was the Tree of Life, with its twelve kinds of ripe fruit according to each month of the year. *The leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing* of the nations. And every curse will be broken and no longer exist, for the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there in the city." (Rev 22:2-3).

Once you've gotten this revelation you will come to a place of rest. It is in that place of rest that we experience the reality of the Christian life. The Christian life is life in the Kingdom, we have been translated into that Kingdom, as such we can rest in the reality of this Kingdom. Healing is a reality in this Kingdom. But presently the Kingdom have not manifest in the flesh. The Kingdom is only in the spirit and we access it by the Spirit. The Kingdom is also called the Kingdom of life. 

"For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." (Rom 8:6).

Whenever you fix your mind on the flesh and you allow the flesh rule your mind, you will experience the reality of death. The reality of death is the reality of the kingdom of darkness. Death refers to all the terrible things you experience in the kingdom of darkness, things such a sinfulness, hate, pain, affliction, depression, oppression, possession, sickness and physical death. However, if you fix your mind on the things of the spirit (the reality in the Kingdom of God) and you allow the Spirit rule your mind then you will experience the reality of the Kingdom of God. 

We've established that healing is a reality of the Kingdom of God, it is a thing existing in the Kingdom of God. So to experience this healing you will have to be spiritually minded. Yes, focus your thoughts on the reality of healing in Kingdom, and rest yourself in the hands of the Holy Spirit and in that reality of healing. You can only access the reality of the Kingdom by the Spirit and through the Spirit, that is why I said rest yourself in the hands Holy spirit, and then rest on that reality. If your revelation of this healing is great then you will immediately begin to feel your body getting healed. Yes, it works like magic, it works faster than any drug. But it effectiveness depends on these three things:

1. The greatness of your revelation of this healing. 

2. The greatness of your faith; your ability to look away from the sickness—the reality of this dead world—and fix your eyes on the reality in the spirit, the reality of that healing. 

3. Your consistency in practicing it. If you tried it the first time and it doesn't work, find go take medication, but next time try it again. Each time you try it you are building your access to this reality. 

I am currently writing a book titled, "The Transcendent Greatness And Ascendancy Of Christ". There I will teach how to fix your eyes on the greatness of the reality in Christ until that reality overwhelms and fills you. There is a way one would look at something and would become filled with awe and overwhelmed by that sight. If you can behold the reality of Christ that same way you will find that reality flood you with great manifestation. 

"He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things." (Eph 4:10).

Christ fills all things by ascending. Until he ascend he cannot fill all things. If you want any reality of Christ to fill you and manifest then you must allow that reality ascend in your heart. Once you are able to allow the reality of healing ascend far above the reality of your sickness then you will have that healing fill your whole body, overwhelming that sickness till it conquers it completely. Yes, allow it ascend in your heart. Behold it with your mind-eye and watch it ascend. Meditate on how surpassingly great this healing is, how no sickness can stand it, how it conquers the reality of darkness and brings everything to obedience. 

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5).

Every reality in Christ has this attribute. Healing is a light that shines and darkness cannot overcome. Darkness cannot even comprehend, much less overcome it. See that healing as light, focus on how one would put on the light and darkness cannot even contend, it disappears immediately. See that healing having the same attribute in you, behold how it shines and every darkness of sickness begins to disappear. Yes let that light flood you, let it flood your heart, let it flood your body, let it flood the whole of your being, release yourself to that light. By doing this you'll realize a smile is coming to your face, confidence is building up in your heart, you are becoming bold about this reality. It is becoming truly real to you and nothing can stand it, nothing can resist it. 

“Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall be levelled.” (Zec 4:7).

Yes say it in your heart, "who are you oh great mountain before me, you are nothing but a cockroach. You are completely insignificant, behold how the healing in me proceed and crushes you, filling me with its unshakeable reality". You are to behold this healing ascending above all things and filling you. If you are on the ground a mountain can seem very big, but the more you ascend it becomes smaller and smaller until it totally disappear from sight. It becomes insignificant in comparison with the greatness and ascendancy of the healing in you. This healing is Christ in you, and Christ surpasses all things. He is the light that darkness cannot comprehend, lift up that light in your heart. He is the one that brings all things to obedience, the one seated far above all powers and authority. 

You should also read these posts of mine concerning the power of Christ, and connect these attributes to that healing. 

Power; And Darkness Could Not Comprehend

Power; Bring All Things To Conformity

You can go to my blog [] and search for them, or search for them on this Facebook page

The Land (Christ) And The People


I have often described the reality in Christ as a land, a whole new world, a new creation. Like stepping into planet Mars for example, that's a whole new world.

"For in him we live and move and exist." (Acts 17:28).

He is the land and we as his people, we are a community in this land. When the Israelites entered into the land of promise, manna stopped falling from heaven. This is because God wanted them to work for their food, they were to tend the land, and yield its produce.

"The Lord says, “Don’t harden your hearts as Israel did at Meribah, as they did at Massah in the wilderness. For there your ancestors tested and tried my patience, even though they saw everything I did. For forty years I was angry with them, and I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts turn away from me. They refuse to do what I tell them.’ So in my anger I took an oath: ‘They will never enter my place of rest.’”" (Psa 95:8-11)


"The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it." (Gen 2:15).

Canaan land was called a place of rest, the garden of Eden was also a place of rest that God gave man when he entered into rest from creation. In both places of rest they were given an assignment, "tend the land". Yes, rest does not mean doing nothing and hoping manna will fall from heaven. They must work hard in cultivating the land. However, this work would be greatly blessed so that they will yield more than they worked for.

"For we who believe enter his rest... For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world." (Heb 4:3,10).

Christ is the place of rest that God has given us. In this rest we must tend the land. The land is filled with riches, it is a land flowing with milk and honey. But if you do not tend it you will go hungry despite how rich the land is. Yes, there were still poor people in Israel even though every family was given a portion of this land flowing with milk and honey. There will always be poor people because people are lazy. The resources are there but they are too lazy to explore.

"To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ," (Eph 3:8).

Christ is filled with unsearchable riches but we have not been taught to tend the Land. In fact, most of us have not learn how to rest in the land much less tending the Land. Most of us are still largely in religion, we are not even in the Land, we have been taken captive into religion. We must break free from religion, learn to rest, and then begin to tend to the Land. Yes, stop working for your righteousness, rest in the righteousness you already have in Christ. Until you rest in that righteousness you can't begin to work out (tend) the righteousness (Phil 2:12).

You have to stop paying for your own sin by punishing yourself with guilt. Rest in the payment that Jesus made with his blood, and from there nurture a right walk with God. There are so many ways we have been in religion rather than tending the land. We see power and blessing as something that we have to make God give us. So we keep looking for ways to manipulate God, force his hand, or appease him so that he would give us these things. Please, come out from the wilderness, stop begging for manna to fall from heaven. The days of the wilderness has ended, come into the land and tend it.

"Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1Cor 1:24).

"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ." (Eph 1:3).

"For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours," (1Cor 3:21-22).

In Christ you already have the power of God—yes all of God's power. In Christ all of heaven have been emptied and poured on you. You have all the blessings you will ever need, but physically and spiritual. All the spiritual gifts you will ever need are available  here in this Land, you only need to learn how to tend the Land. However, there are those who would be too lazy to tend the Land. We have been taught a culture of laziness. We were taught that we do not need to tend the Land, that only the pastors are meant to tend the Land, and we should all become beggers at the feet of the pastors.

The dream of the rich man is that the poor should worship him. Yes, they prefer not to teach the poor how to be rich, they want the poor to be dependent on them so that they can have power over them. Spiritual impartation is likened to going to the rich man to beg for some gifts—the same gifts that you can get by yourself if you learn to work and be rich. There is nothing bad in collecting gifts or asking for gifts, but when you are taught that it is your normal life and you have to be begging for gifts from one place to another, then you are being served a great injustice.

Most Christians have been turned into beggers because the rich (the gifted men) wants to be worship. They have taught us to be beggers, to heavily depend on them, to run to them for every little thing when we all share the same Land. Wake up! The same Land (Christ) where they got their riches is also yours. You can tend this Land and become as rich as them, or even richer. Don't let anybody deceive you that certain riches of Christ can only come through impartation—that's a lie. 

Over a thousand years in the history of the Church there was scarcely any supernatural. There was no gifts of the spirit, the fivefold ministry was extinct, and there was hardly any miracle. So how did people got back the gifts of the Spirit and the fivefold ministry? Did the Apostles of old came back from death to give them impartation? Of course no, these men became sick and tired of being so powerless when they knew they were serving a Almighty supernatural Being. They were tired of reading all these miracles in the Bible and not have it manifest in their lives. 

So they press and press deep into Christ till they were able to work out the power of God living inside them all this while. The people that spoke in tongues in the early 20s after speaking in tongues had been extinct for over a thousand years, how did they do it? Did the apostles of old came to lay hands on them? Did they receive any impartation? No, they pressed, they tend the Land. Charles Parham held a Bible study, he gave his students an assignment to study the books of Acts and find out the initial evidence of the baptismal of the Holy Spirit. 

After studying they were all convinced that speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of being baptized by the Holy Spirit. And as they continued to press that experience broke loose in their midst, they started speaking in tongues. That experience sparked the Pentecostal Revival and spread the whole body of Christ. It is much easier to go to a rich man and beg for a gift. But the Lord has called us to tend the Land. While it is good for us to help each other and give each other gifts, we must all learn to tend the Land. We cannot afford to nurture laziness in our midst. 

How can a land filled with thousands of people but only a hundred is rich, and the rest are taught to pursue the rich people about begging for substance. Yes, that is the Christianity we are practicing today. People are pursuing men of God up and down, struggling to touch their clothes, begging to be prayed for, begging and even paying for impartation. There are more teaching about impartation than how to tend the Land yourself. This is a conscious effort to keep us in perpetual poverty. 

Men wants to be worship, they love it when you are on your knees begging them, ready to do anything for them. They enjoy that treatment and they want things to remain that way so they continue to promote the teaching of impartation. I am not saying impartation is bad, but when the teaching of impartation has become the main teaching then the people will be subjected to spiritual poverty and a life of constant begging. We simply cannot continue to like this. We must exalt the need to tend the Land above the teaching of impartation, otherwise the Land will have very few rich men. 

If a land has very few rich men yet overwhelmed with poor people then that land is said to be underdeveloped. Yes, Christ our land is underdeveloped. Look at the Church today, so powerless and weak. We have no voice in the nation, the government kicks us around, we are nobody. We have no influence, nothing. Yes, that is the characteristics of an underdeveloped nation, it has no say among the nations but rather falls under exploitation. 

In order for this Land to be developed we need more people tending the Land. This is why I have refused to use impartation in my training on the supernatural. It's intentional, the body of Christ needs to stop being so lazy and learn how to tend the Land. Oh, there is so much glory, power and blessings that you can attain if only you stop being so lazy and start pressing hard, tending the Land. Yes, nurture Christ the power of God in you, for he is already inside you and you only need to nurture him still he blossom. Tend and nurture all of the fullness of God in you till you become filled with his glory.

Towards Oneness Of The Body


"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." (John 13:34).

"that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me." (John 17:21).

"until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." (Eph 4:13).

It is God desire to have his body united as one, and he is surely going to get what he desire. The scripture as above, "so that the world may believe that you have sent me", shows that God desire to have this oneness here in this age. No, his plan is not to have a united body only after the world has ended. He wants his body to be one before this world ends, and he will surely have that. It is so easy to look around and doubt if this is possible, in fact the Church have even given up on the idea that we can ever be one. But there is nothing too impossible for God to do.

Mike Bickles prophesied, "The Lord simply said, I will change the understanding and expression of Christianity in the earth in one generation. It was a simple, straightforward statement, but I felt Gods power with each word as I received the Spirits interpretation. God Himself will make drastic changes in Christianity across the whole world." (Extracted from Growing In the Prophetic).

Rick Joyner, a major prophet of God in our age prophesied and said, "A revolution is coming to Christianity that will eclipse the Reformation in the sweeping changes that it brings to the church. When it comes, the present structure and organization of the church will cease to exist, and the way that the world defines Christianity will be radically changed. What is coming will not be a change of doctrine, but a change in the basic church life. The changes that are coming will be so profound that it will be hard to relate the present form of church structure and government to what is coming."

A drastic change is coming to the body of Christ, something that will totally utter the way we do Church. God will change the whole of Christianity in one generation. He has done it before, and he would do it again. It is not impossible, it is not even new. Change is constant, don't look around you and begin to think things will always be like this. No, things have not always been like this, and it will not always been like this. This is not how we have been doing church before. 

During the first century it was difficult to imagine that Christianity would ever become popular in the Roman empire because of the persecution. Yet, Christianity not only became popular, it took over the Roman empire. That was a crazy twist to the story the early Church. It was a drastic change. At another point in the Church history it was difficult to imagine that anyone can ever break free from the Catholic Church. Many had tried but were terribly crushed. But then the great reformation came, a drastical and unprecedented change.

Change have always come and change will always come. There is a change coming, God wants to utter the whole structure of Christianity in one generation. Denominationalism have not always been here, and will not always be here. It was a change that came and utter things and brought denominationalism. Another change  will come and utter things and remove denominationalism. That is how time works—something is here today and tomorrow it is not. So another structure is coming, one that is different from denominationalism. A structure that will truly make the body one. We have been prophesying about this for decades now, and now it is unveiling before our very eyes.

This structure that is coming will allow for diversity to be able to abide in unity. Yes, we will be diverse—as the riches of Christ are unsearchable and infinitily diverse—yet we will be united in our diversity. Denominationalism is diversity without unity, but this coming structure will allow both diversity and unity to coexist harmoniously. And God is releasing apostles with the blueprint of this structure. These ones are coming to pull down structures and lay a foundation according to the blueprint given to them. They will set up this new structure. I am talking about unrelated men who have never seen each other before, coming from their different secret places with the same blueprint in their hands as handed over to them by God.

This is not one man's design, this is God's work, this is God's will. A change is coming and it will bring us (at least those of us who are serious about Christ) into oneness.

Library Analogy Of The Realm Of The Prophetic (8); Developing Specialization


This post belongs to a series, and to understand what the series is about you should read the first post of this series. In part 6 of this series I explained that there are various offices and specialization in the realm of the prophetic. And in part 7 I demonstrated how a believer can develop propensity to a certain segment in the prophetic (library), and this can be as a result of past experience or the nature of this believer.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (Jer 1:5).

God forms his prophet specially from the womb, He breeds them. He knows the kind of trait he is looking for so he picks parents with that traits, bring them together, form the child in the womb to have certain strength and weaknesses. And when the child is born he brings certain situations, circumstances, and experiences down his path in order to train him to occupy that office He has assigned for him in the prophetic. The person may like certain things, hate certain things, or become passionate about certain things, and all of this would help in developing him in that specialization in the realm of the prophetic. 

Once he starts experiencing the prophetic, he would just realize that he has developed the propensity to a certain segment in the realm of the prophetic. And the Lord would continue to train him in that segment until he becomes a professional. This is the same thing we see happening in the world. A man is train in a particular specialization before he becomes a professional. 

As this believer is growing in the Spirit, God would give him passion in certain areas. The believer may become passionate about dreams and interpretation; or about global events; or about ministers that are falling into sin; or about the affair of nations; or about the body of Christ, and so on. All of these things have sections in the prophetic realm where you can find information and updates concerning them. So this believer would grow to become acquainted in these special sections. This way he would have access to prophetic word concerning these things, and he would be alert when there are any new updates. 

So if you are called to the prophetic, pay attention to the experience and passion that God is giving you. Try to recall your past experiences, so that you can know exactly where you are meant to operate in the prophetic. Specialization is very important, as it would help for greater concentration and accuracy. The body of Christ needs specialization so that we can be a glorious city on earth, a force to be reckon with.