The Christian life starts from "it is finished!" (John 19:30). Affliction is finished, oppression is finished, depression in finished, sin is finished, sickness is finished, all things associated with darkness is finished in our lives. We have been translated from that reality of darkness, and been placed into the reality of God's kingdom where all that exists is joy, peace, love, grace, righteousness, holiness, wisdom, discipline, self-control, life, healing, etc.
"He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved Son." (Col 1:13).
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." (Rev 21:4).
"The river was flowing in the middle of the street of the city, and on either side of the river was the Tree of Life, with its twelve kinds of ripe fruit according to each month of the year. *The leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing* of the nations. And every curse will be broken and no longer exist, for the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there in the city." (Rev 22:2-3).
Once you've gotten this revelation you will come to a place of rest. It is in that place of rest that we experience the reality of the Christian life. The Christian life is life in the Kingdom, we have been translated into that Kingdom, as such we can rest in the reality of this Kingdom. Healing is a reality in this Kingdom. But presently the Kingdom have not manifest in the flesh. The Kingdom is only in the spirit and we access it by the Spirit. The Kingdom is also called the Kingdom of life.
"For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." (Rom 8:6).
Whenever you fix your mind on the flesh and you allow the flesh rule your mind, you will experience the reality of death. The reality of death is the reality of the kingdom of darkness. Death refers to all the terrible things you experience in the kingdom of darkness, things such a sinfulness, hate, pain, affliction, depression, oppression, possession, sickness and physical death. However, if you fix your mind on the things of the spirit (the reality in the Kingdom of God) and you allow the Spirit rule your mind then you will experience the reality of the Kingdom of God.
We've established that healing is a reality of the Kingdom of God, it is a thing existing in the Kingdom of God. So to experience this healing you will have to be spiritually minded. Yes, focus your thoughts on the reality of healing in Kingdom, and rest yourself in the hands of the Holy Spirit and in that reality of healing. You can only access the reality of the Kingdom by the Spirit and through the Spirit, that is why I said rest yourself in the hands Holy spirit, and then rest on that reality. If your revelation of this healing is great then you will immediately begin to feel your body getting healed. Yes, it works like magic, it works faster than any drug. But it effectiveness depends on these three things:
1. The greatness of your revelation of this healing.
2. The greatness of your faith; your ability to look away from the sickness—the reality of this dead world—and fix your eyes on the reality in the spirit, the reality of that healing.
3. Your consistency in practicing it. If you tried it the first time and it doesn't work, find go take medication, but next time try it again. Each time you try it you are building your access to this reality.
I am currently writing a book titled, "The Transcendent Greatness And Ascendancy Of Christ". There I will teach how to fix your eyes on the greatness of the reality in Christ until that reality overwhelms and fills you. There is a way one would look at something and would become filled with awe and overwhelmed by that sight. If you can behold the reality of Christ that same way you will find that reality flood you with great manifestation.
"He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things." (Eph 4:10).
Christ fills all things by ascending. Until he ascend he cannot fill all things. If you want any reality of Christ to fill you and manifest then you must allow that reality ascend in your heart. Once you are able to allow the reality of healing ascend far above the reality of your sickness then you will have that healing fill your whole body, overwhelming that sickness till it conquers it completely. Yes, allow it ascend in your heart. Behold it with your mind-eye and watch it ascend. Meditate on how surpassingly great this healing is, how no sickness can stand it, how it conquers the reality of darkness and brings everything to obedience.
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5).
Every reality in Christ has this attribute. Healing is a light that shines and darkness cannot overcome. Darkness cannot even comprehend, much less overcome it. See that healing as light, focus on how one would put on the light and darkness cannot even contend, it disappears immediately. See that healing having the same attribute in you, behold how it shines and every darkness of sickness begins to disappear. Yes let that light flood you, let it flood your heart, let it flood your body, let it flood the whole of your being, release yourself to that light. By doing this you'll realize a smile is coming to your face, confidence is building up in your heart, you are becoming bold about this reality. It is becoming truly real to you and nothing can stand it, nothing can resist it.
“Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall be levelled.” (Zec 4:7).
Yes say it in your heart, "who are you oh great mountain before me, you are nothing but a cockroach. You are completely insignificant, behold how the healing in me proceed and crushes you, filling me with its unshakeable reality". You are to behold this healing ascending above all things and filling you. If you are on the ground a mountain can seem very big, but the more you ascend it becomes smaller and smaller until it totally disappear from sight. It becomes insignificant in comparison with the greatness and ascendancy of the healing in you. This healing is Christ in you, and Christ surpasses all things. He is the light that darkness cannot comprehend, lift up that light in your heart. He is the one that brings all things to obedience, the one seated far above all powers and authority.
You should also read these posts of mine concerning the power of Christ, and connect these attributes to that healing.
Power; And Darkness Could Not Comprehend
Power; Bring All Things To Conformity
You can go to my blog [] and search for them, or search for them on this Facebook page
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