Our inability to differentiate between foretaste and fullness has caused us to limit ourselves in experiencing God. Foretaste is a sovereign act of God and because we count all things spiritual as foretaste we have developed the culture of just sitting down and waiting. Those who cannot wait have jumped into prayer, thinking that they can use prayer to force God's hand and make Him give them these things.
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:" (Eph 1:3).
He has blessed you with all the spiritual blessings; all the spiritual gifts and all spiritual abilities (or powers) in heaven. You do not need to wait for God to give you and you do not need to try to force His hand and make He give you, He has already given you in Christ. It is Finished! He has finished all His blessings on you, there is literally nothing left to give. It is all in Christ and as you grow in Christ you will grow into these things.
"Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”" (John 6:29).
In Christ all works has ended, the only work that God is asking you to do is believe in Christ. Yes, believe in the reality in Christ.
Christ is the power of God and he lives in you, believing it!
In Christ you have been blessed with every spiritual blessings (which includes every spiritual experience, gifts, abilities and powers), believe it!
In Christ you are seated with Father in heaven, believe it! given
The only work you are required to do is believe and as you grow in this faith you will see manifestation. It is ignorance plus unbelief that made us say things like, "well, the Holy Spirit didn't give me that gift so it is not for me". Yes, we often say stupid things like that, "the prophetic is not for me, I was not the gift... Healing is not for me, I do not have the gift... Working miracles are for the evangelist, I am just an ordinary Christian", and so on we go with foolish talk.
Stop being so ignorant, you are the son of the Almighty, called to do the greater works. The supernatural is your normal life, you originated from eternity in Christ. Before the foundation of the world was made you were already in Christ, in Christ you existed before time, you exist before and above the natural world. You are not subject to the elements, they are subject to you. Can't you see where you are seated, can't you see all powers are beneath your feet, and all the authority in heaven and on earth has been given to you because you are one with Christ.
Just believe, that is the only work you are to do, is that too much for you?
Unbelief is the only thing limiting you, God wants to have sons manifesting and you are holding Him back. The Father is having something less than the new testament He proposed and He is not happy about it. Do you know the Father's heart? Do you want to make Him happy, to please Him? Then believe in Christ and grow in the faith of him. Believe in these things whether you like them or not, it is not your choice to pick and choose, all that you are called to do is simply believe. I would ask the question again, is believing too much for you?
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