In a previous post I stated that one can attain the things of the Spirit either by foretaste or by fullness. Foretaste is handling spiritual things in the state of immaturity, while fullness is apprehending spiritual things in a more mature state. I feel there is a need to write this posts because there is a fear associated with handling spiritual things and this is because we do not know the difference between foretaste and fullness.
We have attributed all things spiritual to the gifts of the Spirit (foretaste) and some have said they don't want the gifts of the Spirit, they prefer the fruit of the Spirit, because you can have the gifts of the Spirit and yet demonstrate very bad character and all that immaturity. And some even say all that power (the gifts of the Spirit) corrupts you, and even cause you to fall, and as a result these Christians run away from the things of the Spirit.
Foretaste is given by the Spirit to the immature in order to push them to grow. But sadly some remain immature with that gift and it becomes a problem for them. The carnality in them, that dirty thing that spreads death wherever it touches, comes and touch their gifts. And these gifts that were given to edify the ecclesia becomes a thing of division. We see all this playing out in the ecclesia in Corinth. They were blessed with all kinds of spiritual gifts but they refused to mature and the carnality in their midst began to use those gifts as a means for division.
Some of them said they are healers and they don't want to associate themselves with worthless tongue speakers, some said they see visions and they don't like those who prophesy without seeing visions and so division sets in. Paul had to tell them that it is by the same Spirit that one prophesy and the other heal and yet another speaks in tongues and another have word of knowledge and so on. He had to explain to them that these gifts shouldn't cause division but rather bring them together to edify each other and experience Christ in oneness.
The problem is not with the gifts but it is their immature state. Foretaste is not bad if you are vigorously pursuing maturity, but if you remain immature the devil will see opportunity to come in and use that gift to harm you and the body of Christ. However, this problem is not found in fullness because you got the power in the state of maturity and you have developed the virtue and the character to be able to handle the power.
Let us quickly go to the area of seeing into the spirit and let us look at how this ability is handled in foretaste and in fullness. There are some Christian who wake up one day and realize that they have the ability to see visions and spirit, angels and the spiritual world. In their state of immaturity they are given this gift, but it is meant to push them to grow speedily. However, if they remain immature this gift can become a problem to them. The devil can disguise himself as an angel and mislead them. Or they many see something in the spirit and interpret it wrongly and enter into serious problem because of the wrong interpretation.
All of this problem is not found when one is mature, they are only a result of immaturity. Through the process of maturity you develop the senses to know God and walk with Him more perfectly. The devil cannot just come, disguise himself and then mislead you — you will just know it is the devil. Those who are immature know things by there appearance, if it looks like Jesus they immediately think it is Jesus. But someone who have walked with Jesus for a long time and have come to know him intimately you will be able to recognize him no matter what form he appears.
"Solid food is for those who are mature, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." (Heb 5:14)
Through that relationship with him you have developed this ability to know him by the spirit. You don't rely on what you see, you can perceive him, you have the senses, you have exercise these senses, and you can tell if it is him or not, you KNOW him. There is something that God has put in you to enable you to tell if the voice you are hearing or the appearance you are seeing is actually God or not.
"the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out., And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him:" (John 10:3-5).
There is something that Jesus has put in the sheep that causes them to flee from the stranger. And as you mature you will become awaken to this ability. There is something in you that has made the stranger repulsive, you can't stand him, no matter how he disguises himself. He can come in glory and look like Jesus but you will just know inside of you, you can feel the darkness inside him and it is repulsive to you, you just want to flee, you can't stand it. The immature haven't fully developed these senses and that is why they can be deceived, this is why maturity should be your highest priority.
The problem is not with the ability but the state of maturity God wants you to grow and as you grow you will begin to interact with Him spirit to spirit, it is just normal. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit (John 3:6), you are born of the Spirit, you are spirit and as you mature you will grow into this spirit that you are. You will begin to interact with God beyond the elements of the natural world, spirit to spirit, and you will not be misled, for you have developed the senses to discern that which is God and that which is evil. No matter how much the devil tries to disguise himself you will just know it is him, it is not a matter of quoting scripture.
Even when John said we should test all spirits he didn't say the bible is how you test all spirits, go and read that place very well, it is in first John chapter four. God has already put in you everything you need to be able to recognize Him, he has given you the intelligence, all you have to do is grow into it. YOU ARE NOT DUMB, you have the intelligence to know your Father, you are born of God, you cannot be unintelligent. Yes, you can be immature but grow up, do not remain in that state of immaturity where you will be struggling to tell if a spirit is God or not. GROW UP, draw close to God, know Him, become awaken to the ability in you to always know and recognize Him, the ability that causes you to flee from the stranger no matter the disguise he is putting on. Just draw close and know Him, the Spirit is there to help you mature.
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