Friday, 21 August 2020

Experiencing God

God is not theology, He is not doctrine, He is not religion, rather He is spirit. Therefore, thinking that experiencing theology, doctrine or religion is the same as experiencing God is false. We have bought a lie, we are after religion, and those who are not after religion are after theology and the so called "correct doctrine".

I have seen many with very good theology and doctrine yet they do not know God. Yes, they have a head knowledge of Him, and they have conform to their doctrine, if you look at them you can see very good virtues in them, but all that cannot be equated to knowing God. My dear, anyone can have good virtues, go to the Buddha and you will see really good virtues, even atheists exhibit good virtue. All those things cannot be equated to knowing God.

God is spirit, and to experience Him is to experience the spirit. Yes, I know how many of us think, I used to think like that too. All I wanted was to be a normal Christian, I didn't want any extraordinary or supernatural thing, I just want to be normal. But normal Christianity is knowing God spirit to spirit.

I remember how I fought when I was being dragged into the spirit. But the Holy Spirit was fierce on me; the more I struggle the more it got worse. Then it came to me that if this is the Holy Spirit then it would be wrong to resist him. So I did everything I can to find out if this was the Holy Spirit pulling me into these experiences and immediately I was convinced that it was the Holy Spirit I gave in and yielded myself.

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:23-24).

This is normal Christianity, this is what God wants for the new testament people. He wants to interact with them spirit to spirit because he is spirit. He is tired of interacting with His people through things, He wants to get more intimate with His woman. He wants to remove the veil and bring her into the inner chamber, He wants to be naked with her. Just Him and His woman, no veil, no clothes, no nothing, just flesh to flesh (or in His case, spirit to spirit). The word "truth" in that verse means to be naked and exposed, to be totally unveiled, hiding nothing.

Can't you see that this is what He wants, why do we continue to look for veils to hide behind? We are too scared to come to Him spirit to spirit so we hide behind a book, or a pastor, or a religious activity. Enough with the busy body, come in with the Lord. Come into the inner chamber, take off the veil, be naked, be vulnerable, that is how intimacy works. It is love and trust that makes us remove everything and become vulnerable.

We remove all our aids, all our instruments of worship, all those tools that we use to assist ourselves in the worship of God. Yes, we remove it all and become vulnerable, intimacy is a scary thing. If you do not have enough trust you cannot get intimate. You come naked without anything to beautify you, or to aid you or assist you in the worship or fellowship with God.

You are not ugly, you are not dumb, you are beautiful the way you are. He is the one that has made you and He made you as glorious as He is. You do not need anything to assist His glory in you, you don't need anything to assist His intelligence in you, no not a book. No, remove the mentality that without that book, that pastor, that religious rites you cannot enjoy fellowship with the Lord. It is a lie, His glory in you is enough, now come boldly in your nakedness. Come touch Him spirit to spirit, for God is spirit and to truly experience Him you must do it spirit to spirit.

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