Saturday, 5 September 2020

A Summary Of My Book; The Language Of God

Creation is a shadow of this eternal being. Look as life circle; the circle of water, of nutrient etc they are all reflections of this eternal being in the endless circling of Himself. The water in solid form melts and becomes liquid water which evaporates into gaseous water and then back to liquid water a never ending circle. The solid water is water, the liquid water is water and the gaseous water is also water in another form. Water continues in this circle, expressing itself in different forms. This is how it is in the Godhead. Yes, that was what happened in the Godhead far back in eternity even before the creation of anything. Languages and words are shadows representing something in this endless circling or rather the divine dance in the Godhead...

To humans words are sounds and letters but in the Godhead in that perfect and complete being words are not something outside of Him, they do not consist of an element outside of Him. He is complete in Himself and He is all sufficient. He does not need anything outside of Himself to produce a word. He does not need to manipulate any element to produce a word. He does not need sounds or ink, for He is complete in Himself...

Man has to get something outside himself to produce a word. He needs air, ink or whatever. As for the all sufficient God, who is complete in Himself, there is no need for any external element. God does not depend on air to produce a word neither does He depend on ink or any other writing material. He has Himself and Himself is enough to produce whatever words He wants to. Therefore, in producing words God doesn't use air or ink, He uses Himself. Out of the fullness of Himself He produces communications that can be understood by others. Now, because these words are produced using a material that is utterly God these words are utterly God. Yes, the Son is the word that God speaks... Words are used to express one's self and the Son is the expression of the God. The Son is God revealed.

"He [the Son] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation." (Col 1:15).
"…who [the Son] being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person," (Heb 1:3).

The Father is invisible and He is revealed by the Son, this is how the Godhead is constituted. Whenever God reveals Himself that revelation is God Himself, it is the Son...

Beyond creation God existed in the beginning. The beginning is not a period but a place and that place is God Himself.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord God, He Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty." (Rev 1:8).

In the beginning God lived in eternity eternity is also God Himself. God lived at a time that is Himself in a place that is Himself. This place is beyond creation; it is beyond the natural realm and the spiritual realm. It is the father realm; yes, the father of all realms! This realm is found in the invisible, it is invisible even to things which are invisible (things in the spiritual realm). It is far beyond the perception of things even in the realm of the spirit. It is unapproachable to all realms. It is the beginning of the beginning, the source of all sources, the Father of all yes! He is God.

Right there in the forever-nowness everything is in an endless but rich circle and this has been explained as I sited the circle of life in nature. The realm is God Himself and everything in this realm is God Himself. This is a very active realm; in fact, it is the most active realm. It is filled with energy and life. It is where life originated from, the very source of life. This realm which is the Godhead is in constant communication. There is active and constant communication in the Godhead. The communication is between God, by God and through God.

The Father, out of the fullness of Himself, generates the Son by the Spirit for Himself and then onto Himself by the Spirit. This circle continues in it infinite riches and beauty. To be more specific and unambiguous, the Father speaks Himself to the Son by the Spirit (the language the Father speaks is the Son). Then the Son speaks back himself to the Father by the Spirit in the same language and the communication continues. There are no human words to explain this intercourse but the point here is that everything in the Godhead is God Himself. God is sufficient enough and He has no need for anything other than Himself. In fact, in His realm there is nothing that exists but Himself. Now this you must remember, the Son is the language of the Godhead. 

The Son is the word and the language of the Godhead. The things of God is God Himself, for there is nothing else in the Godhead but God. God gave us the Son, He has put His word and His language in us. We communicate with God in a divine language. This language is a person, it is a personality. God projects Himself to us in the Son and we are to respond by giving back the Son to the Father. This is how to speak the language, it is an intercourse, and it is the communication of the Godhead coming down to the world of mortal men.

Eternity has invaded time and the communication of the Godhead has been made open to man. We are called to experience the intercourse of the Godhead. This is beyond time and creation. We are not merely to speak words to God but to project ourselves in the Son onto the Father. We are born of God and we are utterly God. God pours Himself in us and we respond by pouring back to God that which is utterly God in us. We enter into that endless exchange found in the Godhead before creation, for this is the language and the communication of God.

As Christians we have focused too much on the words but words are insufficient to express the intimacy that God is calling us into. There is no language that could properly express this. Hence, we must go beyond that which is human. Right there in the spirit there is something going on in the Godhead, a communication, an intercourse and we must learn to focus on that and enter into it. We must learn to focus on the activity in the spirit. We can only communicate with God through this language. God would accept no other means of communication. We cannot come to God and speak an alien language. We must learn the language of the Godhead we must learn to project ourselves in the Son just as the Father does in the Godhead in eternity.

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