Saturday, 26 September 2020

Library Analogy Of The Realm Of The Prophetic (6); The Offices


This post belongs to a series, and to understand what the series is about you should read the first post of this series. In previous posts I have been emphasizing that every believer should move in the prophetic. Not just moving in the prophetic, but also growing into full maturity in the prophetic. This however, may leave many with the question, "If all believers are moving so greatly in the prophetic, what then would be the job of the New Testament prophets (those who are specifically called into the prophetic office)?"

That's a very good question and this library analogy would really help in explaining these things. In previous posts I have also explained that one of the functions of the New Testament prophets is to equip the people of God to be able to operate in the prophetic.

"Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ." (Eph 4:11-13).

Their responsibility is to equip God's people. God has always wanted a prophetic people. He wanted Isreal to be a prophetic nation, He wanted everyone of them to be prophetic, but they couldn't bear it so they asked him to appoint only some special people to present them in fulfilling that calling (Exo 20:18-19; Deu 18:15-16; Num 11:29). Now in the New Covenant God would surely get what He desire, he would have a prophetic people. So using the library analogy, we can say God wants every Christian to be acquainted with the library. 

He wants us to be able to access information in this library and use it to represent him in the world. I explained this in my post titled, "The Life Of The Sons; Representing The Father". Now, the prophets are those called to equip God's people in using this library. They teach God's people how to access the library, how to fellowship with the Spirit of Truth and navigate the library, how to read the books in the library, and how to use the information they've got from the library in the outside world. 

In fact, the prophets are agents or workers of the library. Apart from training God’s people in all things concerning the library (the prophetic realm) they also occupy different positions in the library. The library have different departments, different offices. And God specially calls people into these prophetic offices. Each office or department has it own specialization in the library. You know how a library has different segments, containing different genre of books, books for adults and the ones for children, books for the various different professions, etc. 

Now imagine officials posted at each segment. Each segment being a specialization, with prophets assigned into that office. There are those specialize in prophetic art (prophesying through art, and maybe also dance and music). They teach Christians to operate in that dimension and they also administer that office. There are those in the office of dream interpretation. There are those specialize in mystic experiences. There is also the office of the watchers—those who watch the times and are focused on time base prophecies. 

They interpret and announce the fulfillment of Bible based prophecies. They also point to sign (natural phenomenon, sign in the consultation, or global events) that represents certain things in the fulfillment of prophecies. There are also those specialized in declaring judgments. And there is the correctional prophets—those that God send to ministers who are harboring secret sins and are on the way to falling out of grace. 

Not all prophets are meant to prophesy about global events, although anybody can visit that dimension. But there is a difference between visiting and specializing. All of these different aspects can also be operated by any child of God, but specialization is different. We all know the law, but not all are lawyers, we can all count money, but we are not all accountant, we could identify some symptoms and even prescribe drugs, but that doesn't mean we are all doctors. Specialization allows for more concentration, depth, and efficiency. When every prophet is trying to do everything there won't be greater accuracy and efficiency. 

When there is greater concentration then there would be greater accuracy. But when one man is trying to do everything himself there would be less accuracy. It is like they saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none". Even the people of the world understand this. Doctors have different specialization even though they are all doctors. Lawyers have different specializations, so does engineers and every other profession. Just because someone is a prophet doesn't mean he has to do everything pertaining to the prophetic. If he does he will only end up becoming master of none. You can't get greater accuracy in something you haven't mastered. 

Now when we have specializations and each specialization exists in group containing both masters and those in training, all working together. Then we would have greater accuracy and we would yield greater result. Yes, the body of Christ and even the whole world would greatly benefit from their ministry. Imagine having a group consisting of the best watchers in the body, working together hand to hand and giving 100% accurate prophecies. Prophecies that can be trusted, in which the whole body of Christ can cooperatively act on and prepare for a coming disaster or a greater harvest. 

Imagine having some kind of dream interpreter academy or an organization where people go to get their dreams interpreted accurately. This organization could have a website or/and a hot line administered by very equipped dream interpreting prophets, who will tend to people—not just Christians but also people of the world, anyone who seeks interpretation of their dream. A kind of organization that is well known for its accuracy in dream interpretation. An organization that has also grown to be trusted by the whole body of Christ and even the world. Imagine having a big academy of prophetic art, where believers who are inclined to art are taught how to channel the prophetic through art. 

Those who are interested in music and dance, those who are into paintings, sculptures and other craft and art, are all taught how to express the prophetic through their work. They learn to use their works to channel frequencies of heaven into the environment, hereby causing a release and manifestation of heaven on earth. Yes, when we are surrounded by sounds, paintings, movies, dance and art that are channeling frequencies of heaven all around us, our environment becomes filled with the atmosphere of heaven and responsive to the move of the heavenly. 

The problem we have is the body of Christ today is oneness. We are so divided, each ministry want to be everything to their claimed poison of the Lord's sheep. The sheep are divided, and each ministry wants to be everything to their own potion of God's sheep. As a result you have a G.O who is trying to be the apostle, the prophet, the pastor, the teacher, and the evangelist of that ministry. He wants to move in all the different offices of the prophetic along with all the 5 fold ministry. He is trying to be the all in all for all those under that ministry.

The body of Christ would never grow if we continue this way. Firstly the division of the sheep must stop. Then each ministry or minister must recognize their own specialization and collaborate with other ministers operating in the same specialization so that they can be one. Let all the watchers be one, let them work together to attain 100% accuracy. Let those who declares judgment do it with one voice. We can only grow in the fullness of our glory in Christ when we begin to work together as one.

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