Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Exalting God To The Throne Of Your Heart

Exalt him, let him be exalted above your opinions, your conclusions, your brilliant ideas, your tendency to do-it-yourself, let him be exalted above all the voices in your head, all the emotions in your hearts and then you will hear him, he will fill your mind and your heart with himself.

Yes, the one who is the Word of God will fill you and then you will know God's heart concerning that situation. This is the way to have Christ, it is always the way; you either exalt him or you will never have him. He is Lord and he will not take any position lower than his Lordship.

He must be seated far above, yes far above every of your thoughts, your brilliant ideas, your desires and all that. If he is deprived of that seat then you will not have him. There is no other way to have Christ other than to have him as Lord, sitting above all.

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