Saturday, 5 September 2020

The Lord Guides The Steps Of The Righteous

"The LORD directs the steps of the righteous. He delights in every detail of their lives." (Psa 37:23).

He delights in every detail, how wonderful. Our Lord is so concern about us, he wants to be involve in every detail of our lives, He is so intrigued by us, and He is delighted. Look at Him just watching us and rejoicing, He loves His little baby, He can stare at us all day, He would not be tired, He just enjoys it.

If you have ever been a father or a mother you will understand this feeling. A life came out of you, you brought forth a life, how wonderful. You just keep looking and wondering, looking at this amazing little thing, looking at how he/she goes about playing, chasing butterfly, running up and down on his little legs, smiling all the while.

He/she is not doing something too important, not saving the world or feeding the poor or carrying out an extraordinary act of righteousness. The little child is just playing about and you are just so proud, you are proud because he is your seed, she came out of you. So beautiful, just watching that little cutety playing about, it delight you, your heart rejoice to see your seed just living.

God created man in His likeness, but now man is dead and became corrupt. That thing that you feel when you look at your little one playing, smiling, or fussing, that sweet feeling it is little compared to what God feels, in fact it is a shadow, a type, an inferior representation of what the heavenly Father feels when He looks at you. Oh, He is so intrigue, look at the smile on His face as he looks at you.

Even though you are not doing anything special, not saving the world or do some kind of powerful ministry, and you are not even doing some kind of extraordinary act of righteousness. You are just living, just going about life and the Father is so intrigue. He delights in you, He delights in everything about you, He wants to get so involved in your life. He wants to be occupied with you, yes my dear, you are His occupation, He loves and enjoys being around you, getting involve with you.

Oh, I am sorry, this is not really I wanted to write about, it is not the main topic of this post. I was overwhelmed with God's love when I started writing and my heart just keeps pouring out with love. Now let's get back to the main topic. The Lord wants to be involve in every little detail of your life, He wants to guide every of your steps.

When you give yourself in faith and utter surrender He begins to guide every of your steps. Each time you lift up your leg He guides it into the right direction, His direction. You are just walking, you may even think you are walking on your own, but if you should pay enough attention you will realize that something is pushing your legs and directing it in the way it should go.

That is what happens when you speak in tongues, you simply open your mouth and something begins to direct every word you say. You may even feel it on your jaw, it might be strong or light and unnoticeable, but it is there, all over your jaw directing it, directing your tongue, He is in control of the words that comes out of your mouth. You may know it by faith, you may even notice it as he wraps his hands around your jaw and at the same time directing your tongue. Well, many of us don't really notice it, but some do, sometimes it becomes so strong that it is difficult not to notice.

He guides the righteous (one who have surrendered himself to Him) in the path that He wants them to go. He is involved in every detail of their lives, even in there thoughts He is there guiding it. Sometimes you wonder why you are thinking what you are thinking, or how come certain things just come into your thoughts. There you are, thinking that you were the one that came up with the idea, think that you were the one that thought to yourself. No, it is God thinking in you, it is God's thought penetrating your mind, it is the Holy Spirit guiding your mind to think what God is thinking.

Yes, the righteous becomes one with God because of their utter surrender. They have given up on their own will and allowed the Spirit freely possess them, and directing their every step, their thoughts, their words and every of their actions. You just feel an urge to do certain things, or you try to do something but you realize that you can't, something is redirecting you from doing it, pushing you into the right direction. Or you want to say something but as you open your mouth something just begins to direct every of your words, you are shocked because you never planned to say these things.

He is inside of you giving you to will certain things, to desire certain things, to come up with certain ideas. Yes, those thoughts in your mind, it is not your thought, it is God speaking to you, guiding your thoughts to think what he wants it to think so that you can do what He wants you to do. That sudden urge to do that things, it is not you, it is God. He is the one directing your desire, your will, even you emotions. Yes, you look and you feel certain things, you are wondering why you suddenly feel this way, you don't usually feel like this, it is God directing your emotions.

As you grow you will become acquainted with God's hand that direct, you will know that hand so well that you will know how to toss yourself into the hands. When I want to know God's mind I deliberately put my thoughts into His hands and just begin to think His thoughts and then I listen to them and know God's thoughts concerning that particular situation.

It is the same way I prophesy, I just put my mouth into God's hands and then open it to speak. I could feel His hands all over my jaw and my tongues, directing the words I speak. I begin to speak God, and I listen to every word that comes out from my mouth, in order to know. I do the same even in making decisions.

I have two options in front of me; 'yes' or 'no'. Then I toss myself into God's hands and trying to look at the 'yes', or try to pick the 'yes'. Then I realize I cannot reach the 'yes', my hands is refusing to go to it, my eyes is repelling from it. And then I looked at the no, trying to pick it, and I realize my hand is responsive again, I could raise it up, and when I direct it to the 'no' it goes.

I could also tell how much the Lord wants me to disagree (how much He wants me to pick no). As I stretch my hand towards the 'no' there is a limit my hand will go. If it goes very far then the Lord strongly disagree, but if it doesn't go too far then He doesn't disagree much.

I used the words "hands" and "eyes", but I am not talking about physically stretching my hands or looking with my eyes, but rather doing it mentally in my head. I only use those words to explain, I hope you understand. The main point is that God wants to be involved in every detail of our lives and He wants to direct us. As we live a life of utter surrender we would become accustomed to this hand that direct, in fact we will know the hand so well that we can easily toss ourselves into it at any time. God wants us to come to a place where we live my this hand, we live by His life, because this hand is the life of God in us, it is the indwelling Christ.

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