Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Spiritual Sight

Sight is the ability to see images. The brain is capable of forming images with or without the eyes. This is why when you sleep (your eyes is closed) you still see images. Now, images can be formed out of anything.  The brain can take information out of anywhere and form images. It could take information from the other sense organs (the ear, skin, nose and tongue) and form images out of it. It could also take information from memories or emotions, and form images.

Spiritual sight is the brain receiving information from the Holy Spirit, and forming images out of it. Apart from images, there are other ways that the brain can translate information received from the Spirit. It could translate them into thoughts, or voice, or smell, or a sensation on the skin, etc. The Holy Spirit can initiate this translation, or your brain can be taught to automatically make the translation.

The same way we perceive the physical world is how we perceive the spiritual world. Your sense organs receive information from your physical environment, pass it on to the brain where it would be interpreted. So also we can receive information from the spirit realm to our brain where it is interpreted. It is in the process of this interpretation that translation takes place. It gets translated to images, thoughts, sounds, smell, feelings and sensation on the skin.

In the physical, you can look at something and yet not see it, you may hear something and yet not hear it, you may smell something and yet not perceive it, and someone might touch you and yet you will not know. This happens when our brain is overwhelmed with some other information. When you are lost in your thoughts someone might stand in front of you, and you will not see him, he might touch you, and you will not sense it, something might be smelling and you will not even perceive it. There is nothing wrong with your sense organ, but because your brain is overwhelming with some other information, it ended up ignoring whatever information that are coming in through your sense organs.

This is the same concerning the things of the spirit. Our brains are often so overwhelmed with our lives on earth that its automatically ignores and block out whatever information coming from the spirit. When you train yourself to pay more attention to the things of the Spirit, rather than ignoring information coming from the realm of the spirit (and by the Spirit) your brain begin to interpret them.

"He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;"" (Psa 46:10).

"They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity." (Eph 4:19).

Sensual also mean relying heavily on your physical senses. God is saying, "be still, calm that storm, stop being so overwhelmed by all the things you are perceiving in your physical senses, stop being so overwhelmed by your condition or present situation, just be still and you will suddenly know me". It is because we are mostly overwhelmed by the flesh, that's why our brain keeps ignoring information coming from the Spirit. Pay attention to the realm of the spirit, by the Spirit, and you will be receiving things from the spirit.

Senses can be exercise by paying attention to them. Once a person gets blind, he has to start exercising his other senses. He does this by paying attention to them and relying on them. As he relies more on his hearing, his ability to hear would increase. So when you rely more on, and exercise, your ability to receive information from the spirit and translate it into images, you will grow in that ability. 

There are some of us that our brain is used to taking information from the spirit and translating it as thought. You can still take those thoughts and form images out of them. The more you do this, the more your brain would lean on translating information from the spirit into images. As you do this, you are exercising your spiritual sight, and your brain would come to a point where it easily translate information from the spirit into images, rather than leaning only on translating them as thought.

There was a time I could only feel the realm of the spirit, I could not see it. Then I learn to take this feeling and project them into images, and little by little I opened up to the dimension of having visions. You can practice seeing into the spirit by resting your mind on God by the Spirit, as you do this you set your brain to translate whatever information you would get into images. Yes, you set your mind to see, and just rest there, waiting on by the Spirit.

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