Saturday, 5 September 2020

The Supernatural Life Is For Deep Lovers Of God

Some of Christians are satisfied with loving God from a distance. They have their bible, they read it, go to church, do they daily prayer and other ceremonies, and they feel it that’s enough

They compare themselves with other Christians and say, “At least I am better than this one that doesn’t go to church… This other one doesn’t even have a Bible… I think I am doing pretty well.” The Bible says we are not to compare ourselves with ourselves, that it is foolishness (2Cor 10:12)

But those who enter into that mystic union with God where they begin to experience all these supernatural things are those who are not just satisfied, they are so in love with Him that they want to see Him right now, they can’t wait till the day they die and go to heaven, they want Him right now

They think about Him all the time, they even begin to fantasize about Him like some kind of crazy lover. They fantasize about seeing His face, looking into His eyes and just getting lost in it. They fantasize about holding His hands and walking with Him In this beautiful garden.

In this fantasy of theirs they imagine themselves placing their heads on His chest and just falling asleep, or sitting on His lap, or wrap I His arms and just feel so at home with Him, or standing before Him worshiping and adoring this beautiful God. Yes, it may sound silly but that’s love, love is sometime silly. They are only responding to the love that now fills their hearts.

And as they do this, in response to the love they have for Him, all of a sudden they realize that this fantasy of theirs is becoming different, it is becoming more like a vision, and it comes even when they are not trying to fantasize.

At first they tell themselves that it couldn’t be actual visions, it’s just fantasy, a figment of their imagination. But then something happens in one of these fantasies, probably God told them about something happing to somebody, and after the fantasy they went to meet the person and asked, “Is it true that… happened to you?” and the person responded, “How did you know? Who told you?”

You are stunned, not knowing what to say, should you tell the person that a figment of your imagination told you these things? Then you begin to battle in your heart, “This is definitely not a fantasy or a mere imagination. Am I actually seeing God? Is this really happening?”

And then something similar happens a few more times, God tells you things that you confirm to be very true, as a result you are force to conclude that your innocent fantasies have turned into actual visions. I know this for sure because it happened to me, and I have heard the stories of others who are experiencing this mystic life.

Note: It is important to learn to discern and test every spirit or vision if truly it is from God. Don't accept anything that is contrary to the scripture, be very discerning.

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