Saturday, 5 September 2020

The Holy Spirit In The Godhead And Us

We would start from the place of the Spirit in the Godhead. Every member of the Godhead has their own place and a role to play. God is all-sufficient; everything He needs is within the Godhead, He has been existing by Himself long before creation; He sustains Himself. Everything the Father does, He does by the Spirit, and everything the Son does, he does them by the Spirit. This is why in Scripture we see that the Holy Spirit is not just called the Spirit of God (the Father); he is also called the Spirit of Christ.

“But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.” (Rom 8:9).
“For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,“ (Phi 1:19).
“Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.” (1Pet 1:11).

The Spirit is that energy behind every of their activity, without which they cannot do anything. To function in the Godhead, or to function by the Godhead the Spirit is needed. This is why anyone that is to do the work of God needs to be anointed with the Holy Spirit; God simply cannot work through you if you do not have the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus, the Son of God, who had the very fullness of God, needed to receive the Holy Spirit before He could start the work of the Father. God does no work except by His Spirit. The Spirit is the energy behind all His workings; however the Spirit is still a person.

Everything about God is God Himself; it is a person that is Him. The word that God speaks is a person, it is God, the power that he demonstrates is a person, it is God, the wisdom that he has is a person, it is God (1Cor 1:24), the life that he is living is a person, even the energy that support that life is a person and it is God. God is a very complex and complete Being; there is not a part of him that is not complete.

The scientist will tell you that life, when you stripe it right down, it is but a flow of electrons. The moment electrons stop flowing life cease. These electrons are the energy that power and support life. The Holy Spirit is just like that electrons, that energy, powering the life of God. Yes, the Spirit is the energy powering God, just as electricity powers a machine. The thing about electricity is that the more of it you have, the more things you can power. You can carry out more functions when you have enough power, but when the power is insufficient, you are limited. You can only do the work of God based on how much of the Spirit you have. Yes, we have the fullness of God in us, but you need the Holy Spirit to power all that, and the measure of the Spirit you have determines how much of that fullness you can function in or manifest.

“For he is sent by God. He speaks God’s words, for God gives him the Spirit without measure.” (John 3:34).

This scripture makes us understand that God gives His Spirit in measures, but when it came to Jesus, He poured out His Spirit without measures. As the New Testament people we have access to all of God, it is our birthright.

“Like a will that takes effect when someone dies, the new covenant was put into action at Jesus’ death.” (Heb 9:16).

The New Testament is like a will, and when Jesus died all that is God’s now belong to us. All of God is our inheritance, and we inherited it all the moment Jesus died. What I am trying to say is that we have inherited the Spirit without measure. However, all of this is only true in the spirit, for the New Covenant is a spiritual covenant that has not fully manifested in the flesh. We have to strive to have it manifest in our flesh.

So in your spirit lies the Holy Spirit without measure, but for you to manifest the fullness of God you need to have the Holy Spirit without measure in your flesh just like Jesus did. We are supposed to grow in the measure of the Holy Spirit, and we do not grow by asking God to give us more of the Spirit, for He has already given us without measure. This growth takes place by aligning to the reality in the spirit and through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
 It has all boiled down to relationship, the more intimate you get with the Holy Spirit, the more measure of the Spirit you will get. So to operate in the fullness of God you need the measure of the Holy Spirit, and to grow in the measure of the Spirit you need relationship and even intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

An Excerpt from my book, "Christ; The Christian Spirituality".

Click here to learn more about the book. 

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