Saturday, 26 September 2020

Library Analogy Of The Realm Of The Prophetic (7); Propensity


This post belongs to a series, and to understand what the series is about you should read the first post of this series. This propensity thing is something that we must all understand. This understanding would greatly help us to grasp the prophetic. In previous posts I have explained that the realm of the prophetic is like a library, containing different sections. 

Many Christians believe that once you enter into the realm of the prophetic, anything you stumble upon, that's it. You don't have a choice than to go with that. And some believe that anything that God brings to you, that's all you can get. But in the New Covenant God has open wide the door, he has given us access to his fullness and declared that we are one mind with him. 

"For it has pleased [the Father] that all the divine fullness (the sum total of the divine perfection, powers, and attributes) should dwell in Him permanently." (Col 1:19).

"For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you also are complete through your union with Christ. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us. He is the Head of every kingdom and authority in the universe!" (Col 2:9-10).

"to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." (Eph 3:19).

"the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." (Eph 1:23).

In Christ your human body is filled with the fullness of God. Yes, you now have access to all the fullness of God, and that includes the fullness of God's knowledge, for God knows all things. This is why I used a public library to explain the prophetic. To the New Testament people the prophetic is access to all of God's knowledge. The doors are wide open and we can come in to explore. We can navigate and browse through the library, for it is all open to us. 

Now concerning propensity; we understand that the library has different sections, as such one can develop the tendency to always visit a particular section. Humans are like that. Even in church, you will realize that some people are always sitting at a particular wing of the church, or even a particular chair. And sometimes these things happens unconsciously. You just realize that when you come to church you end up going straight to that wing. You've developed the tendency to sit around that place, and you are not happy if the place is totally occupied and there is no more seat left there. 

Well, we do the same thing when it comes to the prophetic. Whether consciously or unconsciously, it happens. You will just realize that you are always visiting one segment of the prophetic. There will be a high tendency that whenever you hear God or see visions, you will end up seeing and hearing things pertaining to that segment. This usually happens with segments you are more passionate about. For example, I have always been concerned about people's relationship with God. So when I started moving in the prophetic what I get most of the time is what's going on in people's relationship with God. 

If group of people gather and say, "oya let's pray for this person, let's see what God is saying concerning this person". While others are seeing other things concerning that person's life, things like their financial life, marital life etc. I, on the other hand, would see or hear things concerning that's person's relationship with God. We have prophets that have developed the propensity to only see things concerning witches and evil spirits. While there are other things that may be involved, these people would only see the evil spirit side. 

There was this author that described how he started in the prophetic. I can't remember how the story goes, but it seems he had always been concerned about crime so when he started moving in the prophetic he was seeing things about crime: the next crime that would happen, clues that may lead to the criminal's arrest etc. But he was afraid of giving these information to the police. He feared that they might accuse him of the crime. So he prayed that God would change his propensity. So we can develop propensity based on passion. And when this happens, that does not mean that God only wants to show us things pertaining to that section. No, he wants to show you all of his knowledge, and indeed He has done that in Christ. 

He has given us the library and made the door wide open. However, this library has sections and because of the kind of person we are, and the kind of things we have experienced in our lives, we might develop the propensity to receive things pertaining to a particular section. But this does not mean we cannot navigate and visit other sections. We should never be so overwhelmed my our propensity that we forget that we still have the ability to navigate. There is nothing wrong with having propensity, but we must all master navigation. 

Another thing about developing propensity is that when there is something new coming in that section of the library, you have a higher tendency to get the alert. You know how people subscribe to blogs or YouTube channels so that when something new is coming in (published or uploaded) you will get the notification. Same thing happens in the prophetic, when you have become acquainted to a particular section you will get notification when something new is happening concerning that section. You can get the notification at anytime, whether you are in the spirit or not. You may just be going your normal secular life and it will just hit you.

So developing propensity is a good thing. And as an ecclesia if all of us has propensity in different sections, it would lead to interdependent as we minister to each other. It is through propensity that prophets are built in certain specialization. We would go deeper on specialization in another post.

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